I hope someone here can help. I tried searching for the problem I am having but not finding an answer so please if possible could someone point me in the right direction.....
I have subscription set up on the site. we get notifications if a member or mod posts, but nothing is recieved when an admin posts. I have searched thru the archived sections and double checked everything there as well as another admin also checked just in case I missed something. so is there a reason why we are not recieving notification when an admin posts??? would really appreciate any help someone could give us. thanks.
did some checking, and we do get notices if a post if done from a regular area, but we don't if it is from a password protected forum. anyone have a clue???
this is because the subscription function uses a function called chkforumaccess to decide whether you are allowed access to the forum in which the post occurs, however for a password protected forum, the chkforumaccess function requires you to have entered the password which obviously the subscription function can't do, therefore chkforumaccess returns false to the subscription functions and does not send an email, so subscription will not work in the case of a password protected forum.