I am using Snitz 3.4.05 with avatar, complaint manager, forum rules and mikes file attachment MOD's installed. The database is MS-SQL and I have attempted to install Active Users 4.0.
The error I am getting is
error '80020009'
/ehclub/mattactivetest/inc_func_common.asp, line 128
The statistics bar is not being displayed as well.
This is the function around line 128
function chkAURecord(intTotalActiveUsers) if cInt(intTotalActiveUsers) > cInt(intAURecord) then 'We have a new record!!! :) 'Check to see if it *Really* is a record, or if Application varaibles just got reset strSql = "SELECT C_VALUE FROM " & strTablePrefix & "CONFIG_NEW WHERE C_VARIABLE = 'intAURecord'" set rs = my_conn.execute (strSql) intOldRecord = cint(rs("C_VALUE")) rs.close set rs = nothing if cInt(intOldRecord) > cInt(intTotalActiveUsers) then 'Oopsi, this was a false alarm strSql = "SELECT C_VALUE FROM " & strTablePrefix & "CONFIG_NEW WHERE C_VARIABLE = 'strAURecordDate'" set rs = my_conn.execute (strSql) strOldDate = rs("C_VALUE") rs.close set rs = nothing Application(strCookieURL & "INTAURECORD") = intOldRecord Application(strCookieURL & "STRAURECORDDATE") = strOldDate intAURecord = intOldRecord strAURecordDate = strOldDate else my_conn.execute ("UPDATE " & strTablePrefix & "CONFIG_NEW SET C_VALUE = '" & cstr(intTotalActiveUsers) & "' WHERE C_VARIABLE = 'intAURecord'") my_conn.execute ("UPDATE " & strTablePrefix & "CONFIG_NEW SET C_VALUE = '" &DateToStr(strForumTimeAdjust) & "' WHERE C_VARIABLE = 'strAURecordDate'") intAURecord = intTotalActiveUsers strAURecordDate = DateToStr(strForumTimeAdjust) Application(strCookieURL & "INTAURECORD") = intTotalActiveUsers Application(strCookieURL & "STRAURECORDDATE") = DateToStr(strForumTimeAdjust) end if end if end function
Search is your friend “I was having a mildly paranoid day, mostly due to the fact that the mad priest lady from over the river had taken to nailing weasels to my front door again.”
What's the value of C_VALUE for that record in your database? If this is a fresh install of the mod, it should be 0.
Search is your friend “I was having a mildly paranoid day, mostly due to the fact that the mad priest lady from over the river had taken to nailing weasels to my front door again.”
I don't have access to the live database (long story) but I asked the admin to have a look and he couldn't find that record. I ran the active users database create file again and active users now works. I think there are some issues with the database. It was moved from MYSQL to MS-sql and when I add mod's I often get a "cannot insert null" error. From my searches here it seems the new database may not have been created properly and I am having a difficult time convincing the admin to recreate the database following the steps ruirib outlines in this thread http://forum.snitz.com/forum/topic.asp?ARCHIVE=true&TOPIC_ID=31144
Search is your friend “I was having a mildly paranoid day, mostly due to the fact that the mad priest lady from over the river had taken to nailing weasels to my front door again.”