Since you can type many names, side to side on 'Send to' box, you can as well override limit of PM's per person...
will kinda override (eg.10) pm limit and can also cause mayhem in users pm's or your database sending thousands of messages to single person.
First Sento box is limited with maxlength property. However that does not stop 'problem users' to override code as well.
Best solution will be in codes, checking duplicate entries recreating another sendto list:
Here is code
Find below line in privatesend_info.asp:
'############## End PM all members ###################
arrNames = split(Request.Form("sendto"), ",")
'############### PM all members one line ###################
Just Type following below this line before 'end if':
' ############# CHECK SAME MEMBER FOR SECURITY #################
NewCleanNameList = ""
for i=0 to ubound(arrNames)
if InStr((lcase(NewCleanNameList)& ","),(lcase(trim(arrNames(i)))&",")) Then
' DoNothing
if NewCleanNameList <> "" Then
NewCleanNameList = NewCleanNameList & ","
End If
NewCleanNameList = NewCleanNameList & trim(arrNames(i))
End If
set arrNames = nothing
arrNames = split(NewCleanNameList, ",")
' #################################################
Hope it helps..