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Junior Member
United Kingdom
105 Posts |
Posted - 14 July 2005 : 10:04:47
don't know if this is the right place but here goes
i've installed the event calendar mod and it seems to be working ok  but it seems strange to me, if i add an event.. say the dogs birthday.. it adds to the calendar in the right place , right date etc but it shows up in the forum as a topic immediately.. surely it would be better for it not to show up until the right date or maybe an option for it show on a particular date .. say a week before the event? like i say it's probably me but just thought i'd mention it  |
Dave |
Junior Member
268 Posts |
Posted - 14 July 2005 : 10:17:07
Well, think about it. Absent a complete re-write, the calendar is (in the final analysis) just another forum. We are simply using the forum for a specific purpose. What you suggest could possibly be done by rewritting the code to view calendar forums as moderated forums with future events as unapproved topics, but what would trigger their approval? Surely the admin wouldn't have to do that manually on a daily basis - approve the ones for the following week? Thus, if you can't use the moderated forum feature to accomplish this due to an unreasonable burden on the admin, you're talking about a all-out rewrite...   
Thus, the way it's written is probably the most expedient method of doing it. So adjust your viewpoint to see the immediate posting as a notification that an event has been scheduled, rather than a premature notice of the event. (Clearly, birthdays aren't "scheduled", so your use in that regard is a little off the intended use anyway...) Does that make sense?  |
* The optimist says the cup is half full. The pessimist says it's half empty. But the engineer knows the truth - the cup's design is incorrectly sized.  |
Support Moderator
6780 Posts |
Posted - 14 July 2005 : 10:37:14
Could it not be as simple as checking the FORUM_ID and adding a further clause to the SQL statement to only select topics for the upcoming week?
Search is your friend “I was having a mildly paranoid day, mostly due to the fact that the mad priest lady from over the river had taken to nailing weasels to my front door again.” |
Junior Member
268 Posts |
Posted - 14 July 2005 : 12:09:31
Shaggy, I think that's the right approach (and the change to the SQL would certainly be minor) but where all does the SQL show up? Such a revision would need to occur in default.asp, forum.asp, topic.asp, active.asp, plus all the various views in cal.asp, cal_default.asp, cal_topic.asp, plus perhaps changes to post.asp to prevent subscriptions from running on premature events... isn't this fairly far-reaching? |
* The optimist says the cup is half full. The pessimist says it's half empty. But the engineer knows the truth - the cup's design is incorrectly sized.  |
Support Moderator
6780 Posts |
Posted - 14 July 2005 : 12:22:42
True, but if that's the functionality Dave wants ...
No need for changes to the subscription process; if people can't access topics, they can't subscribe or reply to them 
Search is your friend “I was having a mildly paranoid day, mostly due to the fact that the mad priest lady from over the river had taken to nailing weasels to my front door again.” |
Junior Member
268 Posts |
Posted - 14 July 2005 : 20:39:16
I was thinking of a forum or category-level subscription... |
* The optimist says the cup is half full. The pessimist says it's half empty. But the engineer knows the truth - the cup's design is incorrectly sized.  |
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