Fitz, lines 844 and 467 in your post_info.asp, you need to edit to look like this, with the code in red removed:txtAns(i) = chkString(Request.Form("answer" & CStr(i)),"SQLString")
This and surrounding code looks like this: ' ##################### Poll Mod ######################
if Request.Form("poll") = "1" then
ReDim txtAns(strMaxVotes)
for i = 1 to strMaxVotes
if trim(Request.Form("answer" & CStr(i))) <> "" then
txtAns(i) = chkString(Request.Form("answer" & CStr(i)),"SQLString")
txtAns(i) = ""
end if
end if
' #####################################################
Uncouthed, you can find the similar code in your post_info.asp file and make the same changes. If you can't find it, post a link to a txt version of your post_info.asp file.