I have been succesfully setting up Snitz forum to operate of a computer from my home.
I have however come across a problem since I have installed the poll mod.
The error I am getting is :
ADODB.Recordset error '800a0cc1'
Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.
/Tn7PaGgx1/forum.asp, line 232
And the code surrounding this line is :
Cat_Name = rsCFStatus("CAT_NAME")
Cat_Status = rsCFStatus("CAT_STATUS")
Cat_Subscription = rsCFStatus("CAT_SUBSCRIPTION")
Cat_Moderation = rsCFStatus("CAT_MODERATION")
Forum_Status = rsCFStatus("F_STATUS")
Forum_Subject = rsCFStatus("F_SUBJECT")
Forum_Subscription = rsCFStatus("F_SUBSCRIPTION")
Forum_Moderation = rsCFStatus("F_MODERATION")
if nDays = "" then
nDays = rsCFStatus("F_DEFAULTDAYS")
end if
'############### Poll Mod #################
Forum_Polls = rsCFStatus("F_POLLS")
set rsCFStatus = nothing
end if
I have updated the database.
I have double checked that the Poll Mod code is right and in the right place.
I have had a search for the answer.
Excuse me - since I don't really know a lot about ASP or Databases - but have picked up heaps in the past 24 hours.
AcidSphinx :D