I think it's probably best to change the entire row color on mouseover
The simplest method:
Create two classes in your CSS file
background:#fff; /* Or whatever color you like */
cursor:pointer; /* This will make your cursor turn into a pointer */
background:#ddd; /* The mouseover color */
The next step is to edit the ASP file
<tr onmouseover=""this.className='rowHover';"" onmouseout=""this.className='rowNormal';"">
The "" are there because that part will be a Response.Write() line and it'll throw an error if you use a single set of double quotes.
This will only work if each cell background in the table is set to "transparent".
You'll have to fix that in the forum configuration.
As for installing what's written above..
Find these lines in default.asp..
if chkDisplayHeader then
Call DoHideCategory(CatID)
Response.Write " <tr>" & vbNewline & _
That's for each forum.. It's around lines 467 - 470 ( I'm not sure since you've added a news mod ) Change <tr> to what I wrote above...
Then in forum.asp, find these lines...
if AdminAllowed = 1 and Topic_UReplies > 0 then
Topic_Replies = Topic_Replies + Topic_UReplies
end if
Response.Write " <tr>" & vbNewLine & _
It's around lines 477 - 481 ( Again, it could be different depending on what other mods you've installed on forum.asp )
Change <tr> agan, and you should have a decent hover effect.
Before you do any editing, make copies of default.asp and forum.asp..
Just in case