Hawkdrean if you still use my head or fotter open our inc_footer lok after this in the foter. '######## Begin Counter #######' %> <% '######### End Counter ########'
Place our code bethwin this %> <!-- Begin XXXcounter --> <div style="position:absolute;"> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!--
sw=screen.width+'x'+screen.height; bd=screen.colorDepth; dt=new Date();dt=dt.getTimezoneOffset()/-60; loc=escape(document.location); re=escape(parent.document.referrer);re=(re=="undefined"||re=="")?"bookmark":re; req="id="+XXXX+"&loc="+loc+"&re="+re+"&tz="+dt+"&sw="+sw+"&bd="+bd; document.write('<img width=4 height=4 src="http://XX.XXXXXXXXX.com/cs/?'+req+'">'); //--></script> <noscript><img src="http://XX.XXXXXXXX.com/cs/?id=XXXX" width="4" height="4"></noscript> </div> <!-- End XXXcounter --> <% And dont use response.write to that as podge show abow this place is think to use to a java script counter ( i use my peak counter there ) simalar to that you want to add just now.
If you use podge's response.write from the anser abow that can you insert this before the %> else after the <% or still use the center adjustment from the center table.
Or if you still want a topsite mod there can you downloade sh beta v9 the files to that mod is include in that zip files.