That's not going to integrate directly into Snitz as the majority of is custom built from scratch. If it's any help, though, the SELECT (slimmed down a bit to remove the non-Snitz stuff) for the quick search looks a little something like this (replacing [FIELDS] with what you want to select from your members table):strSexulaity=chkstring(request.form("gender1"),"sqlstring")
if strGender<>strSexuality then strSexuality="Homosexual" else strSexuality="Heterosexual"
set rs=my_conn.execute("SELECT [FIELDS] FROM MEMBERS,PHOTOS WHERE MEMBER_ID<>"&MemberId&" AND M_STATUS=1 AND M_SEX='"&strGender&"' AND M_SEXUALITY<>'"&strSexuality&"' AND M_DOB<='"&(left(DateToStr(strForumTimeAdjust),8)-(clng(request.form("age1"))*10000))&"' AND M_DOB>='"&(left(DateToStr(strForumTimeAdjust),8)-(clng(request.form("end"))*10000)-9999&"' AND M_STATE='"&chkstring(request.form("state"),"sqlstring")&"' ORDER BY M_LASTHEREDATE DESC")
And just FYI, Snitz was never intended to be used as the base code for a dating site!
Oh, M_SEXUALITY above is a custom field you'll need to add to your members table.