I'm having trouble implementing a fairly basic send-email script. Can someone please help me out? Thanks!
The error:
CDO.Message.1 error '80040220'
The "SendUsing" configuration value is invalid.
/inc/send_contact.asp, line 23
My code:
Set myMail=CreateObject("CDO.Message")
myMail.Subject="Contact from dontsaydie.com"
if Request.Form("email_to") = "none" then myMail.To = "webmaster@mydomain.com"
if Request.Form("email_to") = "Shaun" then myMail.To = "shaun@mydomain.com"
if Request.Form("email_to") = "Randy" then myMail.To = "randy@mydomain.com"
if Request.Form("email_to") = "Ray" then myMail.To = "ray@mydomain.com"
if Request.Form("email_to") = "Brian" then myMail.To = "brian@mydomain.com"
if Request.Form("email_to") = "Booking" then myMail.To = "brian@mydomain.com"
if Request.Form("email_to") = "Marketing" then myMail.To = "brian@mydomain.com"
if Request.Form("email_to") = "Website" then myMail.To = "webmaster@mydomain.com"
HTML = HTML & "This e-mail was sent through the contact page at dontsaydie.com/contact.asp at " & now() & ". Do not respond to this e-mail! Use the contact information, if any, that has been provided by the user below."
HTML = HTML & "<br><hr><br>"
HTML = HTML & "Contact Information: " & Request.Form("name")
HTML = HTML & "<br><br>"
HTML = HTML & Request.Form("message")
myMail.TextBody = HTML
Response.write("Your message was sent. Press your browsers back button to return to the site.")