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 Checking if a table exists
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Senior Member

United Kingdom
1685 Posts

Posted - 07 January 2005 :  04:09:58  Show Profile  Visit D3mon's Homepage
you'll probably need to add in the SA (or user with administrator priv's) into the query somehow... I'm a bit lost there...

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3373 Posts

Posted - 07 January 2005 :  15:09:17  Show Profile  Send Da_Stimulator an AOL message  Send Da_Stimulator a Yahoo! Message
I changed the code to use the sysobjects table and it worked just fine

Now to see if I can do this with access somehow

Through googling, I found this topic... however it didnt seem to answer my question directly, I think I can use it to do what I want with Access.

The line really in question is

If DBName = dbs2020.TableDefs(Count).Name Then

DBName being the table name being checked for...
dbs2020.TableDefs(Count).Name being the table name in the database.

The part I need to know is... is dbs2020 the connection object? IE my_Conn.TableDefs(Count).Name would be the code I would use *if* using snitz connection (example only).

Anybody have experience with this?


Edited by - Da_Stimulator on 07 January 2005 17:20:12
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