You just need to fully qualify the stored procedure name: Database1.owner.sp1 Tipically owner is dbo and that being the case it would be: database1.dbo.sp1
Other than this there is no difference to execute a local stored proc.
Just a fyi - UDF's (User-defined-functions) can be used similarly, and can do some stuff you just can't do nicely with a sproc - for instance a recordset-returning sproc cannot be treated as a tabel in another sproc, but a table-returning UDF can. Sweet :)
You just need to fully qualify the stored procedure name: Database1.owner.sp1 Tipically owner is dbo and that being the case it would be: database1.dbo.sp1
Other than this there is no difference to execute a local stored proc.
Nice! I had been wondering about that one for a while now.