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68 Posts |
Posted - 13 November 2004 : 06:37:17
I have just installed a clean version of Snitz 3.4.05 and I notice that you are still using deprecated HTML such as <font>.
I ran the home page through the w3c's validator and the Bobby accesibilty checks and there is a lot of work needing to be done to make Snitz XHTML compliant and improve the accessibility.
I am just wondering if these issues are being addressed in any future releases and if we will see it soon.
quote: Priority 1 Accessibility This page does not meet the requirements for Bobby A Approved status. Below is a list of 1 Priority 1 accessibility error(s) found:
Provide alternative text for all image-type buttons in forms. (1 instance) Line 85 Priority 1 User Checks User checks are triggered by something specific on the page; however, you need to determine manually whether they apply and, if applicable, whether your page meets the requirements. Bobby A Approval requires that all user checks pass. Even if your page does conform to these guidelines they appear in the report. Please review these 8 item(s):
If you can't make a page accessible, construct an alternate accessible version. Provide alternative content for each SCRIPT that conveys important information or functionality. If style sheets are ignored or unsupported, are pages still readable and usable? If you use color to convey information, make sure the information is also represented another way. (50 instances) Lines 52, 118, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 130, 131, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 143, 146, 147, 150, 160, 161, 170, 175, 176, 177, 185 If this is a data table (not used for layout only), identify headers for the table rows and columns. (4 instances) Lines 78, 54, 119, 113 If the submit button is used as an image map, use separate buttons for each active region. (1 instance) Line 85 If an image conveys important information beyond what is in its alternative text, provide an extended description. (2 instances) Lines 52, 185 If a table has two or more rows or columns that serve as headers, use structural markup to identify their hierarchy and relationship. (10 instances) Lines 78, 54, 50, 119, 157, 113, 100, 173, 170, 183 The following 2 item(s) are not triggered by any specific feature on your page, but are still important for accessibility and are required for Bobby A Approved status.
Identify any changes in the document's language. Use the simplest and most straightforward language that is possible. Priority 2 Accessibility This page does not meet the requirements for Bobby AA Approved status. Below is a list of 5 Priority 2 accessibility error(s) found:
Use relative sizing and positioning (% values) rather than absolute (pixels). (27 instances) Lines 56, 59, 80, 82, 89, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 130, 131, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 143, 147, 150, 159, 175, 176, 177, 185 Use a public text identifier in a DOCTYPE statement. (1 instance) Line 1 Make sure event handlers do not require use of a mouse. (10 instances) Lines 60, 62, 64, 66, 68, 70, 72, 138, 147, 177 Provide an explicit label for each form control. (3 instances) Lines 81, 83, 90 Do not use the same link phrase more than once when the links point to different URLs. (1 instance) Line 130 Priority 2 User Checks User checks are triggered by something specific on the page; however, you need to determine manually whether they apply and, if applicable, whether your page meets the requirements. Bobby AA Approval requires that all user checks pass. Even if your page does conform to these guidelines they appear in the report. Please review these 7 item(s):
Make sure that labels of all form controls are properly placed. If there are logical groupings of form controls, use FIELDSET with LEGEND on each group. (1 instance) Line 74 Avoid use of obsolete language features if possible. (26 instances) Lines 56, 59, 80, 82, 89, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 130, 131, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 143, 147, 150, 159, 175, 176, 185 Is the user made aware that there will be pop-up windows or changes in the active window? (1 instance) Line 185 If programmatic objects create pop-up windows or change the active window, make sure that the user is aware this is happening. (2 instances) Lines 6, 103 Check that the foreground and background colors contrast sufficiently with each other. (51 instances) Lines 47, 52, 118, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 130, 131, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 143, 146, 147, 150, 160, 161, 170, 175, 176, 177, 185 Do not create a blinking effect with animated gif images. (9 instances) Lines 52, 85, 130, 134, 135, 160, 161, 177, 185 The following 7 item(s) are not triggered by any specific feature on your page, but are still important for accessibility and are required for Bobby AA Approved status.
Make sure that all link phrases make sense when read out of context. Group related elements when possible. Make sure your document validates to formal published grammars. Is there a site map or table of contents, a description of the general layout of the site, the access features used, and how to use them? Is there a clear, consistent navigation structure? Use the latest technology specification available whenever possible. Where it's possible to mark up content (for example mathematical equations) instead of using images, use a markup language (such as MathML). Priority 3 Accessibility This page does not meet the requirements for Bobby AAA Approved status. Below is a list of 3 Priority 3 accessibility error(s) found:
Provide a summary for tables. (10 instances) Lines 78, 54, 50, 119, 157, 113, 100, 173, 170, 183 Identify the language of the text. (1 instance) Line 1 Include default, place-holding characters in edit boxes and text areas. (1 instance) Line 81 Priority 3 User Checks User checks are triggered by something specific on the page; however, you need to determine manually whether they apply and, if applicable, whether your page meets the requirements. Bobby AAA Approval requires that all user checks pass. Even if your page does conform to these guidelines they appear in the report. Please review these 6 item(s):
Consider furnishing keyboard shortcuts for form elements. If this document is part of a collection, provide metadata that identifies this document's location in the collection. If this is a data table (not used for layout only), provide a caption. (10 instances) Lines 78, 54, 50, 119, 157, 113, 100, 173, 170, 183 If you have grouped links, is there a link at the beginning to bypass the group? If there are logical groups of links, have they been identified and a link to skip the group provided? Consider adding keyboard shortcuts to frequently used links. The following 5 item(s) are not triggered by any specific feature on your page, but are still important for accessibility and are required for Bobby AAA Approved status.
Is there distinguishing information at the beginning of headings, paragraphs, lists, etc.? If there is a search feature, are there different types of searches for different skill levels and preferences? Are there navigation bars for easy access to the navigation structure? Do you allow users to customize their experience of the web page? Is there a consistent style of presentation between pages?
W3C results:
quote: No Character Encoding Found! Falling back to UTF-8.I was not able to extract a character encoding labeling from any of the valid sources for such information. Without encoding information it is impossible to reliably validate the document. I'm falling back to the "UTF-8" encoding and will attempt to perform the validation, but this is likely to fail for all non-trivial documents.
So what should I do? Tell me more...
No DOCTYPE Found! Falling Back to HTML 4.01 TransitionalA DOCTYPE Declaration is mandatory for most current markup languages and without one it is impossible to reliably validate this document. I am falling back to "HTML 4.01 Transitional" and will attempt to validate the document anyway, but this is very likely to produce spurious error messages for most non-trivial documents.
So what should I do? Tell me more...
DOCTYPE Fallback in effect! The DOCTYPE Declaration in your document was not recognized. This probably means that the Formal Public Identifier contains a spelling error, or that the Declaration is not using correct syntax. Validation has been performed using a default "fallback" Document Type Definition that closely resembles HTML 4.01 Transitional, but the document will not be Valid until you have corrected the problem with the DOCTYPE Declaration. This page is not Valid HTML 4.01 Transitional! Below are the results of attempting to parse this document with an SGML parser.
Line 1, column 0: no document type declaration; implying "<!DOCTYPE HTML SYSTEM>"
The checked page did not contain a document type ("DOCTYPE") declaration. The Validator has tried to validate with the HTML 4.01 Transitional DTD, but this is quite likely to be incorrect and will generate a large number of incorrect error messages. It is highly recommended that you insert the proper DOCTYPE declaration in your document -- instructions for doing this are given above -- and it is necessary to have this declaration before the page can be declared to be valid.
Line 52, column 65: character "-" is not allowed in the value of attribute "TABINDEX"
...50%"><a href="default.asp" tabindex="-1"><img src="logo_snitz_forums_2000.gif
Line 60, column 133: character "-" is not allowed in the value of attribute "TABINDEX"
...w.status=''); return true" tabindex="-1"><acronym title="Homepage">Home</acro
Line 62, column 176: character "-" is not allowed in the value of attribute "TABINDEX"
...w.status=''); return true" tabindex="-1"><acronym title="Edit your personal p
Line 64, column 164: character "-" is not allowed in the value of attribute "TABINDEX"
...w.status=''); return true" tabindex="-1"><acronym title="Register to post to
Line 66, column 189: character "-" is not allowed in the value of attribute "TABINDEX"
...w.status=''); return true" tabindex="-1"><acronym title="See what topics have
Line 68, column 167: character "-" is not allowed in the value of attribute "TABINDEX"
...w.status=''); return true" tabindex="-1"><acronym title="Current members of t
Line 70, column 181: character "-" is not allowed in the value of attribute "TABINDEX"
...w.status=''); return true" tabindex="-1"><acronym title="Perform a search by
Line 72, column 169: character "-" is not allowed in the value of attribute "TABINDEX"
...w.status=''); return true" tabindex="-1"><acronym title="Answers to Frequentl
Line 74, column 83: document type does not allow element "FORM" here
...method="post" id="form1" name="form1">
The element named above was found in a context where it is not allowed. This could mean that you have incorrectly nested elements -- such as a "style" element in the "body" section instead of inside "head" -- or two elements that overlap (which is not allowed).
One common cause for this error is the use of XHTML syntax in HTML documents. Due to HTML's rules of implicitly closed elements, this error can create cascading effects. For instance, using XHTML's "self-closing" tags for "meta" and "link" in the "head" section of a HTML document may cause the parser to infer the end of the "head" section and the beginning of the "body" section (where "link" and "meta" are not allowed; hence the reported error).
Line 76, column 11: document type does not allow element "TR" here
Line 85, column 66: there is no attribute "BORDER"
...utton_login.gif" type="image" border="0" value="Login" id="submit1" name="Log
You have used the attribute named above in your document, but the document type you are using does not support that attribute for this element. This error is often caused by incorrect use of the "Strict" document type with a document that uses frames (e.g. you must use the "Transitional" document type to get the "target" attribute), or by using vendor proprietary extensions such as "marginheight" (this is usually fixed by using CSS to achieve the desired effect instead).
This error may also result if the element itself is not supported in the document type you are using, as an undefined element will have no supported attributes; in this case, see the element-undefined error message for further information.
How to fix: check the spelling and case of the element and attribute, (Remember XHTML is all lower-case) and/or check that they are both allowed in the chosen document type, and/or use CSS instead of this attribute.
Line 90, column 82: character "-" is not allowed in the value of attribute "TABINDEX"
...SavePassWord" value="true" tabindex="-1" CHECKED><b> Save Password</b></font>
Line 130, column 115: cannot generate system identifier for general entity "CAT_ID"
...tz3405/default.asp?Snitz00HideCat1=Y&CAT_ID="><img src="icon_minus.gif" width
An entity reference was found in the document, but there is no reference by that name defined. Often this is caused by misspelling the reference name, unencoded ampersands, or by leaving off the trailing semicolon (;). The most common cause of this error is unencoded ampersands in URLs as described by the WDG in "Ampersands in URLs".
Entity references start with an ampersand (&) and end with a semicolon (;). If you want to use a literal ampersand in your document you must encode it as "&" (even inside URLs!). Be careful to end entity references with a semicolon or your entity reference may get interpreted in connection with the following text. Also keep in mind that named entity references are case-sensitive; &Aelig; and æ are different characters.
Note that in most documents, errors related to entity references will trigger up to 5 separate messages from the Validator. Usually these will all disappear when the original problem is fixed.
Line 130, column 115: general entity "CAT_ID" not defined and no default entity
...tz3405/default.asp?Snitz00HideCat1=Y&CAT_ID="><img src="icon_minus.gif" width
This is usually a cascading error caused by a an undefined entity reference or use of an unencoded ampersand (&) in an URL or body text. See the previous message for further details.
Line 130, column 121: reference to entity "CAT_ID" for which no system identifier could be generated
.../default.asp?Snitz00HideCat1=Y&CAT_ID="><img src="icon_minus.gif" width="10"
This is usually a cascading error caused by a an undefined entity reference or use of an unencoded ampersand (&) in an URL or body text. See the previous message for further details.
Line 130, column 114: entity was defined here
...itz3405/default.asp?Snitz00HideCat1=Y&CAT_ID="><img src="icon_minus.gif" widt
Line 138, column 259: cannot generate system identifier for general entity "id"
...a href="pop_profile.asp?mode=display&id=1" title="View acec's Profile" onMous
Line 138, column 259: general entity "id" not defined and no default entity
...a href="pop_profile.asp?mode=display&id=1" title="View acec's Profile" onMous
Line 138, column 261: reference to entity "id" for which no system identifier could be generated
...href="pop_profile.asp?mode=display&id=1" title="View acec's Profile" onMouseO
Line 138, column 258: entity was defined here
...<a href="pop_profile.asp?mode=display&id=1" title="View acec's Profile" onMou
Line 147, column 347: reference to entity "id" for which no system identifier could be generated
...href="pop_profile.asp?mode=display&id=1" title="View acec's Profile" onMouseO
Line 138, column 258: entity was defined here
...<a href="pop_profile.asp?mode=display&id=1" title="View acec's Profile" onMou
Line 160, column 131: value of attribute "ALIGN" cannot be "ABSMIDDLE"; must be one of "TOP", "MIDDLE", "BOTTOM", "LEFT", "RIGHT"
...s" title="New Posts" align="absmiddle" /> Contains new posts since last visit
The value of the attribute is defined to be one of a list of possible values but in the document it contained something that is not allowed for that type of attribute. For instance, the “selected” attribute must be either minimized as “selected” or spelled out in full as “selected="selected"”; a value like “selected="true"” is not allowed.
Line 161, column 127: value of attribute "ALIGN" cannot be "ABSMIDDLE"; must be one of "TOP", "MIDDLE", "BOTTOM", "LEFT", "RIGHT"
...s" title="Old Posts" align="absmiddle" /> No new posts since the last visit.<
Line 177, column 189: character "-" is not allowed in the value of attribute "TABINDEX"
...w.status=''); return true" tabindex="-1"><img src="icon_go_up.gif" width="15"
Line 185, column 129: character "-" is not allowed in the value of attribute "TABINDEX"" target="_blank" tabindex="-1"><acronym title="Powered By: Snitz Fo
And the hit's just keep on comin' |