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Junior Member

227 Posts

Posted - 29 October 2004 :  16:37:54  Show Profile  Visit mykel_suthertun's Homepage
Been quite a long time since I worked on a new site/forum. Here it is:

Don't Say Die - Forum
[guest user and pass is testuser, but there aren't any exciting mods or anything to check out right now]

The site hasn't been officially released yet, so there's still work going on around the site. The forum itself is a very simple implementation. I might edit the layout of the header to something a bit more original later, but I'm not getting payed much for this job so we'll see.

Special thanks to D3mon (I think that's who it was) for the CSS version of Snitz. That helped a ton! Another thanks to Shaggy (I think) for the icon set that I slightly edited.

[edited URL's to reflect new server]

Mike Southerton
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Edited by - mykel_suthertun on 05 November 2004 12:56:12

Junior Member

United Kingdom
357 Posts

Posted - 29 October 2004 :  19:30:33  Show Profile
Speaking personally, I think this is a verynice clean, simple and well integrated design that fits in well with the surrounding site. Iconset is very nice.. and I like the slightly abstract font choice with the subtle gradients. I wouldn't overload it with mods.. it looks fine as it is IMO.

I also like the side borders running down the left and right, which looks great in the wide 1280 x 768 resolution I'm running. To be honest, and I don't normally say this I can't think of very many imporvements. Maybe some of the others can help you out there good job

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Retired Support Moderator

2625 Posts

Posted - 30 October 2004 :  10:09:29  Show Profile  Visit MarcelG's Homepage
very nice looking website! Sleak design, good use of colors,
Well done!!
This looks like the work of a pro. (I don't expect an amateur to build a design like this!)

Good work, and as altisdesign said ; not much to improve! could improve the alignment of the smilies (from middle to bottom or something, they now float below the text, just as here at snitz....)
but that's about it... great work!

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Advanced Member

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Posted - 30 October 2004 :  12:11:22  Show Profile
The only real improvements I can think of is moving the forums' navigation to the left (also remove the forum title above the navigation), and then moving the login/logout up a bit. It'd look much more balanced.
Lastly, do you have a banner or something above the logo that causes the logo to be down so far? There's a huge empty area with the gradient at the top of the pages. If you could fix that, it'd be perfect.
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Forum Moderator

5820 Posts

Posted - 30 October 2004 :  12:13:58  Show Profile  Visit dayve's Homepage
nicely integrated. I agree with Roland, your logo is too far down, you're wasting valuable real estate.

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Junior Member

227 Posts

Posted - 30 October 2004 :  15:02:45  Show Profile  Visit mykel_suthertun's Homepage
Your comments just made my day. Wasn't expecting a reaction like this. I am definately still an amateur, so thank you.

I agree: the forum header definately needs to be modified.

Roland & dayve,
There's about 120px of gradient above the logo that's empty space (just want to make sure it's displaying correctly in your browser). Here's my rebuttal:
The design and (but mostly) content for this site is very simple. In almost all pages outside of the forum, the content isn't enough to fill up the page completely. So, I'm using a fairly large header just to fill up space so the site doesn't look as "empty."

If you still agree that it's lacking something, I was thinking about making a vector illustration of the band and placing it to the right of the star. Not sure if I'll do that though - depends on whether they throw enough money at me I guess.

Thanks again, and since the site is still under cosntruction, comments are still welcome!

Mike Southerton
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DEV Team Forum Moderator

3373 Posts

Posted - 30 October 2004 :  20:00:39  Show Profile  Send Da_Stimulator an AOL message  Send Da_Stimulator a Yahoo! Message
I agree with the crowd, looks good.

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Advanced Member

9335 Posts

Posted - 31 October 2004 :  12:09:31  Show Profile
I really think you should fix the wasted space at the top. The idea to use the gradient is really good, but it doesn't have a function that justifies the space it takes up IMO.

Also, the thing that makes me go "uhm" is that there's no info on what kind of music the band makes. The logo makes me think "country" because of the font, but the unshaven look of the guys on the band page makes me think otherwise... It might be just me, but a little clarification might help.
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Forum Moderator

5820 Posts

Posted - 31 October 2004 :  12:34:05  Show Profile  Visit dayve's Homepage
I whole heartedly agree... you're wasting space on top of the page, forcing your main content below "the fold".

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Junior Member

227 Posts

Posted - 31 October 2004 :  17:38:31  Show Profile  Visit mykel_suthertun's Homepage
  • Modified the header. Not much, but enough.
  • Changed login/logout buttons.
  • Removed the admin e-mail address from being displayed on all pages.
  • Added OneWayMule's New Profile Layout - made it Speedball compatible
As for the logo font choice: I'm stuck with it. They've been using it for their merchandise and are unwilling to change it for the time being.

I'm going to save editing the site header for later. Thanks for the advice though.

Mike Southerton
Webmaster | Don' |

Edited by - mykel_suthertun on 01 November 2004 01:39:58
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DEV Team Forum Moderator

3373 Posts

Posted - 01 November 2004 :  01:42:22  Show Profile  Send Da_Stimulator an AOL message  Send Da_Stimulator a Yahoo! Message
man stick a banner up there or somethign, thats way too empty

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Free ASP Hosts Moderator

2632 Posts

Posted - 01 November 2004 :  12:13:32  Show Profile
Cool, but I like this one better:
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Retired Support Moderator

2625 Posts

Posted - 01 November 2004 :  13:47:20  Show Profile  Visit MarcelG's Homepage
hhmmmm... looks rather familiar...

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Junior Member

227 Posts

Posted - 01 November 2004 :  14:30:00  Show Profile  Visit mykel_suthertun's Homepage
lol, thanks. That was my first big project with Snitz and turned into a one year process to get it to look the way it does (so I'm glad you appreciate it).
The one I'm working on now took one weekend (tighter client budget), so I guess I'm a bit happier with the result-to-work-hours balance I have put into the new one.

What looks familiar?

Mike Southerton
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Free ASP Hosts Moderator

2632 Posts

Posted - 01 November 2004 :  14:40:13  Show Profile
Well, it takes time to create a good design.

Btw, are those my modified icons?

Edited by - wii on 01 November 2004 14:41:15
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Junior Member

227 Posts

Posted - 01 November 2004 :  15:02:03  Show Profile  Visit mykel_suthertun's Homepage
Lol, no, but I wish I would have seen yours before I made mine. That wasn't a very fun process (making all the icons).
Mine are desaturated, but then I placed a grunge texture over some of them (it's hard to tell, and probably for that reason a waste of time).
Nice choice of colors for your site

Mike Southerton
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