On my site, I've had a banner on the top of the forums since nearly the start. I did it by including the code in the inc_top.asp file. However, I've always wanted to be able to randomly display different banners. And I wanted to do this with the ability to include different code depending on the banner instead of just randomly displaying an image. So I came up with the code below. It allows you to include not only your image, but any code that goes with it (such as Javascript, etc.).
In inc_top.asp, add the following code below the <body> tag:
RandomBanner = int (6 * rnd)+1
select case RandomBanner
case "1"
%>Banner 1 code inserted here<%
case "2"
%>Banner 2 code inserted here<%
case "3"
%>Banner 3 code inserted here<%
case "4"
%>Banner 4 code inserted here<%
case "5"
%>Banner 5 code inserted here<%
case else
%>Banner 6 code inserted here<%
end select
You can change the number of banners by altering the int statement to reflect the correct number and adding or deleting the CASES to match. If you want to favor a banner, then you can include it in the case else statement and change the int value to reflect more than the number of banners.
*Interested in Radio Control - http://www.rcwebboard.com/*
Edited by - James on 25 February 2001 10:48:07