Okay then in the inc_header.asp file there is a "case login" section.
In that section there is a response redirect for the users that are being logged in.
Just change it to something like
if intActiveMembers > 1 then response.redirect("http://www.google.com") else response.redirect("sitenews.asp") end if
And let me know if that works. IF that does not work then the variable intActiveMembers is not active at the time the server reads that bit of code. SO then we will need to activate that variable which may take me a little bit to figure out since I have not even looked at when the code looks for that.
Thanks to you both... I placed the code at the bottom of inc_header and it works perfectly... One more question though... How do i introduce a variable like M_level... So i can setup something like a M_Ban and then a updateable text box in inc_profile