I've get a look to pop_smile.asp. I've found this code:
<!--#INCLUDE file="config.asp" -->
<title><% =fLang(strLangDream_Chat00150) %></title>
<!--#include file="inc_default_skin.asp"--><%
Response.Write "<link rel=""stylesheet"" type=""text/css"" href=""css/" & skin & ".css"" id=""skin"" />" & vbNewline%><!--#include file="skin.asp"--><%
Response.Write "<script language=""JavaScript"" type=""text/javascript"">browserChk();</script>" & vbNewline
But to tell u the true i don't understand how it works.
I think that the red line means something of important but i don't understand it, instead the green line is sued for Netscaper browser (at least i think)
And please i don't find where the post.asp makes the call to the popup smile.Could u help me in this??
Have u any idea and suggest???