I have setup up forum to use NT authentication and I have changed the user level on my own account to 3 but I'm still asked for login when I try to access the admin menu. I notice that the database (MySQL) dosn't have a password on my account, but adding my NT password there didn't do the trick.
Any ideas on how I should enable myself as an administrator?
The problem further on is that I tried to add the admin_moderators mod but when I installed that I never got past the "you need to be an admin" message.
The admin area, even though you have NT authentication set, asks for your user name and password as if it was in DB mode. I changed the login page to my admin console to autodetect if the user is an admin:
I didn't realize you were talking about the M_LEVEL field in the database. I thought you were refering the to "mlev" variable in the ASP code. You are correct, the M_LEVEL field should be set to 3. The admin area is asking for your username and password of the board, not your NT username and password. The default is username: "admin" password: "admin". The reason I changed my admin_login.asp page, is because, when your using NT authentication, there isn't a place to change your account password without manually editing the database. Everytime you make changes to your admin account, it clears the password field in the database. You need to logon with the username in the M_NAME field and the password in the M_PASSWORD field.