In topic.asp (line 767 of version 3.4.03) of a un-modified file, look for:
if strShowQuickReply = "1" and strDBNTUserName <> "" and ((Cat_Status = 1) and (Forum_Status = 1) and (Topic_Status = 1)) and ArchiveView = "" then
call QuickReply()
end if
change to this:
if mlev > 3 then
if strShowQuickReply = "1" and strDBNTUserName <> "" and ((Cat_Status = 1) and (Forum_Status = 1) and (Topic_Status = 1)) and ArchiveView = "" then
call QuickReply()
end if
end if
That will only allow for Moderators or Admins to have the quick reply. I hope it helps..