well they work brilliantly for me! and as for one man show theyre owned by Dollamore...
not sure about the complaints about emails - theyve always got to me in under 24 hours and have been accurate and helpful.
personally i think theyre great, i had a few problems over christmas but when i emailed them asking about it they were quick to reply and told me they were changing their servers to windows 2003...
Interesting that they want your credit card details for the "free three month trial". Also this post is very negative.
As an Economics graduate I have to wonder why only they can offer such a 'good' deal. This guy though, managed to (ab)use the service quite extensively:
quote:I used streamlinenet.co.uk for 1 month to see there unlimited space/bw and i managed to get to 10GB space and used 42GB bandwidth (this was videos of me and some friends skiing). No explanation just was cut off, this should not of happened, now i offer plans with limits, it just makes sence.
may i point out that most of these points are early/mid 2003 and since then StreamlineNet (claim to) have upgraded their services a lot. and regarding the support email address - this is from streamlinenets "resources and upgrades" page:
We are pleased to announce the launch of our new support system. Customers will now receive much faster replies to support e-mails.
We would like to thank all of our new and existing customers for there understanding over the last week while we have been increasing our support system.