I've uploaded the mod files but not edited any other forum files yet ('til I finish testing)
1. Viewing membersFiles.asp gives me:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e14'
Invalid column name 'filesText'.
/inc_UploadFunc.asp, line 551
(caused by puttin the filestext in the rootupload folder)
2. If you try to rename a file without changing it's name it deletes the file and gives an error of:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0035'
File not found
/inc_files_rename.asp, line 116
3. The popup window for uploading a new file is too small, I've edited membersFiles.asp on lines: 440, 503 and 566, but still the popup window don't change size. Any ideas where else it is?
The mod uses JavaScript:openWindow this function is already used in Snitz.
To view members page:
U: guest
P: guest
To view rename problem:
U: guest
P: guest