i would like to add an admin area where i can set a certain amount of time till the user account "expires" . basically by selecting a date for the expiration via drop downs (month/date/year). when the user account expires... a message will show up in inc_header on every page that says.. you memebership needs to be renewed or something along those lines. please advise.
I have wrote something like this for a customer that used Snitz. Basically she was able to set how many days a membership was for. When the user signed up on the site then it was given XXX amount of days and then after it was expired it wouldnt let them go anywhere else on the site until they paid at paypal for another given xxx amount of time.
I have wrote something like this for a customer that used Snitz. Basically she was able to set how many days a membership was for. When the user signed up on the site then it was given XXX amount of days and then after it was expired it wouldnt let them go anywhere else on the site until they paid at paypal for another given xxx amount of time.
I'd really like this. In my case, I don't use paypal but would need to (as admin) give the user xxx more time when payment is recieved in the mail. I think I could handle that adaption, and know I can ask here for help if I need
I can help give some pointers on getting it setup, but its so spliced into there site to make it difficult to just paste the code. Here is the general idea on what i did.
Create Database field in members and pending members table (EX: M_EXPIREDATE) as a text field length 20
when the user signs up insert into the expiration date todays date + XX days to expire
when login script runs check the expiration date. if currentdate > expiration date then goto expired.asp page