That does look nice, my ISP sometime this year is going to allow customers to put their own Cable modems on the network (they've been stinging us $17 a month for the last 4 years to rent one). That looks like it would replace quite a bit of the kit I have in the server room now and put me wireless (real wireless not just bluetooth I use now) at the same time.
my ISP only charges like 8 bucks to rent the modem and will allow me to buy my own modem, but they will not "support" it if I have problems which is no big deal to me... this is not rocket science after all .
I think I am going to sell my modem, wireless access point, firewall/vpn router, printer server and signal booster and get me one of these today .
Sounds pretty much like our ISP, they've said in an email though confirming I'll be able to buy my own sometime later this year, and I've definately fo that motorola bookmarked now :) actually thats about the same price as us too, $8 US give or take currency fluctuations is $15-$17NZ