I have a need for one community calendar and 8 other smaller group calendars on one portal. The idea is that each group would have one forum category created with calendar functions. Links to the individual calendars would be placed on one asp page. I have been talking this over with someone at SHN and this is how it should work. Example: User creates event under Forum User Category 1. User creates event under Forum User Category 2.
Now all users have three seperate calendar views. 1) Full Calendar view with all data 2) Calendar view with just data from Category 1 3) Calendar view with just data from Category 2 etc...etc... How do I change the calendar view for this?
Simple so far. Someone please let me know if this is correct. Changes in BLUE
'### Get the topics from the database ### strSql = "SELECT T.CAT_ID, T.TOPIC_ID, T.T_SUBJECT, T.T_EVENT_DATE, T.T_AUTHOR, M.M_NAME " & _ "FROM " & strTablePrefix & "TOPICS T, " & strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS M " & _ "WHERE (T.CAT_ID=14) AND (T.T_ISEVENT=1) AND (T.T_EVENT_DATE = '" & DatetoStr(Date) & "') AND T.T_AUTHOR=M.MEMBER_ID " & _ "ORDER BY T.T_EVENT_DATE"
set rs = my_Conn.Execute(strSql)
The problem is I would have to change this 8 times and save it as 8 seperate files then link to them. How can I use a selector that will enter the CAT_ID automatically? I like the idea of using the inc_groupjump_to.asp but how can I make this a generic include that will show up on the cal.asp page.
I have the Group Categories showing at the top of the cal.asp page. The cal.asp page has multiple views and I was wondering if someone could show me how to use the group id's to correctly show the calendar dates in these different views.