in inc_header.asp look for the following lines (427 to 432):
"<table align=""center"" border=""0"" cellPadding=""0"" cellSpacing=""0"" width=""95%"">" & vbNewLine
'########### GROUP Categories ########### %>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="inc_groupjump_to.asp" -->
<% '######## GROUP Categories ##############
Response.Write " <tr>" & vbNewLine & _
" <td>" & vbNewLine
Add the following code above it:
"<table align=""center"" border=""0"" cellPadding=""0"" cellSpacing=""0"" width=""95%"">" & vbNewLine & _
" <tr>" & vbNewLine & _
" <td width=""230"" valign=""top"">" & vbNewLine & _
" your left-side info here" & vbNewLine & _
" </td>" & vbNewLine & _
" <td valign=""top"">" & vbNewLine & _
The line in red is where you set the width and valign of the left-side column.
The line in red is where you enter the information that should go on the left.
in inc_footer.asp find the following lines (75 to 78):
Response.Write " </tr>" & vbNewLine & _
"</table>" & vbNewLine & _
"</font>" & vbNewLine & _
"</body>" & vbNewLine & _
Add the following code after the line in red:
" </td>" & vbNewLine & _
" </tr>" & vbNewLine & _
"</table>" & vbNewLine & _
That ought to do the trick, but make a backup of your files before you make these changes, just in case.