I'd like to add new tags (forum code) to my site, am I right in saying I need to add code in two places, using the flash mod as an example
Line 116 add this
fString = replace(fString, "<EMBED WIDTH=""","[flash ", 1, -1, 1)
fString = replace(fString, """ HEIGHT=""",":", 1, -1, 1)
fString = replace(fString, """ SRC=""","]", 1, -1, 1)
fString = replace(fString, """ HIDDEN=""false"" AUTOSTART=""true"" LOOP=""true"" volume=""100""></EMBED>","[/flash]", 1, -1, 1)
Line 742 add this
fString = doCode(fString, "[flash ",":","<EMBED WIDTH=""",""" HEIGHT=""")
fString = doCode(fString, "]","[/flash]",""" SRC=""",""" HIDDEN=""false"" AUTOSTART=""true"" LOOP=""true"" volume=""100""></EMBED>")
I'm not too bothered about adding 'Format' buttons as only I need to use it, basically i'd like to make a tag that is an internal link, rather than the default external, something like [inturl][/inturl]