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 inactive members / help with little modification
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Starting Member

14 Posts

Posted - 14 July 2003 :  07:03:32  Show Profile
What do i have to do to implementate the email adress of the user ?

The problem ist, that after i have sent the warning - mail, i receive an error message from my provider, that the email is not used. So the user can be deleted. It is much easier to find the member when the email is displayed.

I'm sorry i have no idea, because this is not my language :-( Could anybody help me with this ?

Thank you in advance

Here is the code:
'## Copyright (C) 2000-01 Michael Anderson and Pierre Gorissen
'## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
'## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
'## as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
'## of the License, or any later version.
'## All copyright notices regarding Snitz Forums 2000
'## must remain intact in the scripts and in the outputted HTML
'## The "powered by" text/logo with a link back to
'## in the footer of the pages MUST
'## remain visible when the pages are viewed on the internet or intranet.
'## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
'## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
'## GNU General Public License for more details.
'## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
'## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
'## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
'## Support can be obtained from support forums at:
'## Correspondence and Marketing Questions can be sent to:
'## or
'## Snitz Communications
'## C/O: Michael Anderson
'## PO Box 200
'## Harpswell, ME 04079
'# Inactive Users version 1.00 for Snitz 3.4
'# This mod was origionally written for version 3.3 by Sean Gorman (MotoX)
'# This has been a collaboration effort between Wesley Brown and Sean Gorman
on error resume next
response.buffer = true
Server.ScriptTimeout = "1200"
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="config.asp" -->
<% If Session(strCookieURL & "Approval") = "15916941253" Then %>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="inc_func_common.asp" -->
<!--#INCLUDE file="inc_header.asp" -->
on error resume next
Response.Write " <table border=""0"" width=""100%"">" & vbNewLine & _
" <tr>" & vbNewLine & _
" <td width=""33%"" align=""left"" nowrap><font face=""" & strDefaultFontFace & """ size=""" & strDefaultFontSize & """>" & vbNewLine & _
" " & getCurrentIcon(strIconFolderOpen,"","align=""absmiddle""") & " <a href=""default.asp"">All Forums</a><br />" & vbNewLine & _
" " & getCurrentIcon(strIconBar,"","align=""absmiddle""") & getCurrentIcon(strIconFolderOpenTopic,"","align=""absmiddle""") & " Admin Section<br />" & vbNewLine & _
" " & getCurrentIcon(strIconBlank,"","align=""absmiddle""") & getCurrentIcon(strIconBar,"","align=""absmiddle""") & getCurrentIcon(strIconFolderOpen,"","align=""absmiddle""") & " Inactive User List<br /></font></td>" & vbNewLine & _
" </tr>" & vbNewLine & _
" </table>" & vbNewLine & _
" <br />" & vbNewLine
intDaysOut = request.QueryString("intDaysOut")
intDaysOut = cint(intDaysOut)
intEmailAll = cint(request.QueryString("intEmailAll"))
if intDaysOut = 0 then
intDaysOut = 365
end if
'pull the number of days back if none is set default it to 90
'forcing it to a number keeps the sqlinsert bug from effecting
'this app
'this is a sloppy way to build the string for the date used in the query
strYear = year(now() - IntDaysOut)
strMonth = month(now() - IntDaysOut)
strMonth = dFormat(strMonth)
strDay = day(now()-intDaysOut)
strDay = dFormat(strDay)
strHour = FormatDateTime(now(),4)
strHour = left(strHour,2)
strMinute = minute(now())
strMinute = dFormat(strMinute)
strSecond = second(now())
strSecond = dFormat(strSecond)
nDate = strYear&strMonth&strDay&strHour&strMinute&strSecond
'if you can make it better go for it.
on error resume next
strSql = "SELECT " &strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS.M_NAME, " &strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS.M_LASTHEREDATE, " &strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS.M_POSTS, " &strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS.MEMBER_ID, " &strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS.M_EMAIL "
strSql = strSql & " FROM " &strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS Where M_STATUS = 1 and "&strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS.M_LASTHEREDATE < '"&ndate&"'"
strSql = strSql & " ORDER BY " &strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS.M_LASTHEREDATE "
'only pull valid data no more pulling all records and paging through them
'response.write strSql&"<BR>" 'for testing only
set oRs = server.createobject("ADODB.Recordset") strSql, My_Conn
aData = oRs.GetRows
set oRs = nothing
'load up our array with all the data from the query and disconnect from the record set.
if isnull(aData(0,0)) = true then
aDataerr = 1
end if
'check for an empty array if so set the error flag.
if intEmailAll = 1 then
strMsg = "Dies ist eine Nachricht vom " & strForumTitle & _
". Da Sie unser Forum schon lange nicht mehr besucht haben,"& _
" wurde er zur Löschung freigegeben. Möchten Sie ihren Account beibehalten,"& _
" dann besuchen Sie uns und schauen was es neues gibt: " & strForumURL & _
" Möchten Sie dass der Account gelöscht wird dann brauchen Sie nichts zu tun"& _
" Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Admin " & strForumTitle
intLastRecord = ubound(aData,2)
' intLastRecord = intLastRecord + 1
' response.write intLastRecord&"<BR>"
i = 0
for i = 0 to intLastRecord
' response.write i&" email sent to "&aData(0,i)&"<BR>"
trRecipientsName = trim(aData(0,i))
strRecipients = trim(aData(4,i))
strFromName = "Administrator"
strSubject = "Sent From " & strForumTitle & " by Board Administrator"
strMessage = "Hello " & trim(aData(0,i)) & vbNewline & vbNewline
strMessage = strMessage & "You received the following message from : Administrator (" & STRSENDER & ") " & vbNewline & vbNewline
strMessage = strMessage & "At: " & strForumURL & vbNewline & vbNewline
strMessage = strMessage & strMsg & vbNewline & vbNewline'
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="inc_mail.asp" -->
response.write" <p align=""center""><font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strHeaderFontSize &""">All Users Have Been E-Mailed!</font></p>"& vbNewLine & _
" <meta http-equiv=""Refresh"" content=""7; URL=admin_home.asp"">"& vbNewLine & _
" <p align=""center""><font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &"""><a href=""admin_home.asp"">Back To Admin Home</font></a></p>"& vbNewLine
'this is a javascript to help build the drop down nav
Response.Write " <script language=""JavaScript"" type=""text/javascript"">" & vbNewLine & _
" function ChangePage(fnum){" & vbNewLine & _
" if (fnum == 1) {" & vbNewLine & _
" document.PageNum1.submit();" & vbNewLine & _
" }" & vbNewLine & _
" else {" & vbNewLine & _
" document.PageNum2.submit();" & vbNewLine & _
" }" & vbNewLine & _
" }" & vbNewLine & _
" </script>" & vbNewLine
'end javascript block

mypage = request("page")
if ((Trim(mypage) = "") or (IsNumeric(mypage) = False)) then mypage = 1
mypage = cLng(mypage)
'set the mypage for the drop down

if Request.QueryString("page") <> "" then
intPage = cint(Request.QueryString("page"))
intPage = 1
end if
'check to see what page we are on if not set default it to the first page

intRecordsPerPage = 50 '10 Records per page
'this could be made dynamic too

intFirstRecord = (intPage - 1) * intRecordsPerPage 'The first record to display

'block to build the forward and back navigation
ref = "<div align = ""Center"">"
if intPage > 1 then ' We're not on the 1st page, show a previous link
ref = ref & "<font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strFooterFontSize &"""><a href=admin_inactive_users.asp?"
ref = ref &"page="&intPage - 1
ref = ref &"&intDaysOut="&intDaysOut
ref = ref &">"&getCurrentIcon(strIconGoLeft,"","align=""absmiddle""")&"Previous</a></font> "
end if
if intFirstRecord + (intRecordsPerPage - 1) >= ubound(aData,2) then 'We're on the last page
intLastRecord = ubound(aData, 2)
else 'There's more pages - show a next link
intLastRecord = intFirstRecord + (intRecordsPerPage - 1)
ref = ref &" <font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strFooterFontSize &"""><a href=admin_inactive_users.asp?"
ref = ref &"page="&intPage + 1
ref = ref &"&intDaysOut="&intDaysOut
ref = ref &">"&getCurrentIcon(strIconGoRight,"","align=""absmiddle""")&"Next</a></font>"

ref = pref & ref
end if
ref = ref &"</div>"
'end block
if ((ubound(aData, 2)+1) / intRecordsPerPage) > cint(((ubound(aData, 2)+1) / intRecordsPerPage)) then
'check for any hangover records
maxpages = cint(((ubound(aData, 2)+1) / intRecordsPerPage))
maxpages = maxpages + 1
'make sure we have enough pages to cover all the records
maxpages = cint(((ubound(aData, 2)+1) / intRecordsPerPage))
end if
'needed for the dropdown navigation. Only likes Whole numbers no fractions!
response.write "<p><font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &"""><b>NOTE:</b> The following users have not visited "& STRFORUMTITLE &" in "& intDaysOut &" days or greater and have not been locked out.</font></p>"&VbnewLine
if maxpages > 1 then
response.write "<table border=""0"" width=""100%"" cellspacing=""0"" cellpadding=""0"" align=""center"">"&VbnewLine&_
" <tr>"&VbnewLine&_
" <td width=""50%"" valign=""bottom""><b><font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &""" color="""& strDefaultFontColor &""">"
Call DropDownPaging(1)
response.write "</font></b></td>"&VbnewLine&_
" <td width=""50%"" align=""right""><b><font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &""" color="""& strDefaultFontColor &""">"&vbNewLine&_
ref & vbNewLine &_
" </tr>"&VbnewLine&_
" </table>"&VbnewLine
'if there are more than 1 page build and show the drop down nav
end if

Response.Write "<table border=""0"" width=""100%"" cellspacing=""0"" cellpadding=""0"" align=""center"">" & vbNewLine & _
" <tr>" & vbNewLine & _
" <td bgcolor=""" & strTableBorderColor & """>" & vbNewLine & _
" <table border=""0"" width=""100%"" cellspacing=""1"" cellpadding=""4"">" & vbNewLine & _
" <tr>" & vbNewLine & _
" <td align=center bgColor="""& strHeadCellColor &"""><b><font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &""" color="""& strHeadFontColor &""">Username</font></b></td>"&VbnewLine&_
" <td align=center bgColor="""& strHeadCellColor &"""><b><font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &""" color="""& strHeadFontColor &""">Profile</font></b></td>"&VbnewLine&_
" <td align=center bgColor="""& strHeadCellColor &"""><b><font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &""" color="""& strHeadFontColor &""">Last Seen On Forum Date</font></b></td>"&VbnewLine&_
" <td align=center bgColor="""& strHeadCellColor &"""><b><font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &""" color="""& strHeadFontColor &""">Total Posts</font></b></td>"&VbnewLine&_
" <td align=center bgColor="""& strHeadCellColor &"""><b><font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &""" color="""& strHeadFontColor &""">Days Since Last Seen</font></b></td>"&VbnewLine&_
" <td align=center bgColor="""& strHeadCellColor &"""><b><font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &""" color="""& strHeadFontColor &""">Warn Member</font></b></td>"&VbnewLine&_
" <td align=center bgColor="""& strHeadCellColor &"""><b><font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &""" color="""& strHeadFontColor &""">Delete Member</font></b></td>"&VbnewLine&_
" <td align=center bgColor="""& strHeadCellColor &"""><b><font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &""" color="""& strHeadFontColor &""">Email Member</font></b></td>"&VbnewLine&_
" </tr>"&VbnewLine
'our table head

if aDataerr = 1 then '## No new topic posts found in DB
response.write" <tr>"& VbnewLine &_
" <td align=center bgcolor="""& strForumCellColor &""" colspan=""7""><font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &"""><b>No Members Found</b></font></td>"&VbnewLine &_
" </tr>"& VbnewLine
'if the error flag is here there are no records tell the user so!

reccnt = intLastRecord + 1
i = intFirstRecord
'setup the loop variables first and last record counts
do while not(i = reccnt)
'loop through the records
strMember = aData(0,i)
strRSLastHere = aData(1,i)
strRSRightNow = strForumTimeAdjust
strLastHere = StrToDate(strRSLastHere)
strRightNow = StrToDate(strRSRightNow)
strOnlineTDays = DateDiff("d",strLastHere,strRightNow)

response.write" <tr bgcolor="""& CColor &""">"&VbnewLine&_
" <td bgcolor="""& strForumCellColor &"""><font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &""">"& aData(0,i) &"</font></td>"&VbnewLine&_
" <td align=""center"" bgcolor="""& strForumCellColor &""">"&VbnewLine
if strUseExtendedProfile then
response.write" <a href=""pop_profile.asp?mode=display&id="& aData(3,i) &""">"&VbnewLine
response.write" <a href=""JavaScript:openWindow3('pop_profile.asp?mode=display&id="& aData(3,i) &"')"&VbnewLine
end if
response.write" "&getCurrentIcon(strIconProfile,"","align=""absmiddle""")&VbnewLine&_
" <td align=center bgcolor="""& strForumCellColor &"""><font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &""">"& StrToDate(aData(1,i)) &"</font></td>"&VbnewLine&_
" <td align=center bgcolor="""& strForumCellColor &"""><font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &""">"& aData(2,i) &"</font></td>"&VbnewLine&_
" <td align=center bgcolor="""& strForumCellColor &"""><font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &""">"& strOnlineTDays &"</font></td>"&VbnewLine&_
" <td align=center bgcolor="""& strForumCellColor &"""><a href=""JavaScript:openWindow('pop_warn_mail.asp?id="& aData(3,i) &"')"">"&VbnewLine&_
" "&getCurrentIcon(strIconEmail,"","align=""absmiddle""")&"</a>"&VbnewLine&_
" <td align=center bgcolor="""& strForumCellColor &"""><a href=""JavaScript:openWindow('pop_delete.asp?mode=Member&MEMBER_ID="& aData(3,i) &"')"">"&getCurrentIcon(strIconTrashCan,"","align=""absmiddle""")&"</a></font></td>"&VbnewLine&_
" </tr>"&VbnewLine
i = i + 1
end if

response.write" </table>"&VbnewLine&_
" </td>"&VbnewLine&_
" </tr>"&VbnewLine&_
" </td>"&VbnewLine&_
" </tr>"&VbnewLine&_
'rap up the table

'block so users can pick the number of days back. I hard set this to three digits 999 days is a long way back!

Response.Write "<table border=""0"" width=""100%"" cellspacing=""0"" cellpadding=""0"" align=""center"">" & vbNewLine & _
" <tr>" & vbNewLine & _
" <td align=""center""><BR>"&vbNewline&_
" <font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &"""><form action=""admin_inactive_users.asp"" method=""get"">"&VbnewLine&_
" Enter Number of Days inactivity you would like to check for: <input type=""text"" name=""intDaysOut"" value="""&intDaysOut&""" size=""3"" maxlength=""3"">"&VbnewLine&_
" <input type=""submit"" value=""Submit"">"&VbnewLine&_
" </font></form>"&VbnewLine&_
" </td>" & vbNewLine & _
" </tr>" & vbNewLine & _
"</table>" & vbNewLine

if aDataerr = 0 then
Response.Write "<table border=""0"" width=""100%"" cellspacing=""0"" cellpadding=""0"" align=""center"">" & vbNewLine & _
" <tr>" & vbNewLine & _
" <td align=""center""><BR>"&vbNewline&_
" <b> WARNING! </b> This could take up to 20 minutes to e-mail large groups!"&vbNewline&_
" </td>" & vbNewLine & _
" </tr>" & vbNewLine & _
" <tr>" & vbNewLine & _
" <td align=""center""><BR>"&vbNewline&_
" <font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &"""><form action=""admin_inactive_users.asp"" method=""get"">"&VbnewLine&_
" <input type=""hidden"" name=""intDaysOut"" value="""&intDaysOut&""">"&VbnewLine&_
" <input type=""hidden"" name=""intEmailAll"" value=""1"">"&VbnewLine&_
" <input type=""submit"" value=""Email All Inactive Members"">"&VbnewLine&_
" </font></form>"&VbnewLine&_
" </td>" & vbNewLine & _
" </tr>" & vbNewLine & _
"</table>" & vbNewLine
end if

end if
'end if

scriptname = split(request.servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME"),"/")
Response.Redirect "admin_login.asp?target=scriptname"
End if

function dFormat(tmp)
'* used to pad parts of a datetime
'* for use in a single string
'* used for the search string
lenStr = len(tmp)
if lenStr = 1 then
tmp = "0"&tmp
dFormat = tmp
dFormat = tmp
end if
end function

sub DropDownPaging(fnum)
'* ripped from topic.asp and modified to work
'* for our little purpose
if maxpages > 1 then
if mypage = "" then
pge = 1
pge = mypage
end if
scriptname = request.servervariables("script_name")
Response.Write("<form name=""PageNum" & fnum & """ action=""admin_inactive_users.asp"">" & vbNewLine)
Response.Write("<b>Page: </b><select name=""page"" size=""1"" onchange=""ChangePage(" & fnum & ");"">" & vbNewLine)
for counter = 1 to maxpages
if counter <> cLng(pge) then
Response.Write " <option value=""" & counter & """>" & counter & "</option>" & vbNewLine
Response.Write " <option selected value=""" & counter & """>" & counter & "</option>" & vbNewLine
end if
Response.Write("</select><b> of " & maxpages & "</b>" & vbNewLine)
Response.Write("</font>" & vbNewLine)
Response.Write("<input type=""hidden"" name=""intDaysOut"" value=""" & intDaysOut & """>" & vbNewLine)
Response.Write("</form>" & vbNewLine)
end if
top = "0"
end sub


Banned User

393 Posts

Posted - 26 November 2003 :  18:39:39  Show Profile  Visit guessme's Homepage
What is the exact error?

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Support Moderator

6780 Posts

Posted - 27 November 2003 :  04:58:57  Show Profile
Guessme, the warning mail is bouncing back because the address is invalid.

Meicker, to display the e-mail address next to the user name shouldn't require too much work. Find the following beginning on line 213:
	"        <td align=center bgColor="""& strHeadCellColor &"""><b><font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &""" color="""& strHeadFontColor &""">Username</font></b></td>"&VbnewLine&_
	"        <td align=center bgColor="""& strHeadCellColor &"""><b><font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &""" color="""& strHeadFontColor &""">Profile</font></b></td>"&VbnewLine&_
And add the following between those lines:
	"        <td align=center bgColor="""& strHeadCellColor &"""><b><font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &""" color="""& strHeadFontColor &""">E-Mail</font></b></td>"&VbnewLine&_
Find the following on line 225:
		"        <td align=center bgcolor="""& strForumCellColor &""" colspan=""7""><font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &"""><b>No Members Found</b></font></td>"&VbnewLine &_
And change the value for the colspan from 7 to 8.

Finally find the following beginning on line 243:
	"        <td bgcolor="""& strForumCellColor &"""><font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &""">"& aData(0,i) &"</font></td>"&VbnewLine&_
	"        <td align=""center"" bgcolor="""& strForumCellColor &""">"&VbnewLine
And add the following in between those lines:
	"        <td bgcolor="""& strForumCellColor &"""><font face="""& strDefaultFontFace &""" size="""& strDefaultFontSize &""">"& aData(4,i) &"</font></td>"&VbnewLine&_
I haven't had a chance to test that yet but it should work OK, let me know if you have any problems.

Search is your friend
“I was having a mildly paranoid day, mostly due to the
fact that the mad priest lady from over the river had
taken to nailing weasels to my front door again.”
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