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 Is there a MOD that will do this?
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New Member

75 Posts

Posted - 12 July 2003 :  15:52:04  Show Profile
Not sure which category to post this in, but:

Is there a Mod out there that would let a member post with a set background color that is of his choosing of color?
(in his/her post)

One of the Snitz board's I post at, because i'm Admin on that one it shows up as Red instead of grey as all the other posts are....
The people that made that board for my company did that, not I.

I can't seem to find a Mod for it anywhere though.

I'd like to implement that in my other board, but was wondering if that is limited to just the Admin, or could it go to other members also? I think it'd be cool to have their rank determine which color the post is, if that is possible.


Advanced Member

9335 Posts

Posted - 12 July 2003 :  16:00:26  Show Profile
It's probably a small change to topic.asp that sets the bgcolor of the post's cells when the author is a certain person or has a certain mLev.

When the background color isn't grey, is it always the same regardless of who the post's author is? Or can the post's author actually choose the color?
Also, is it only one person whose posts get a different background color, or are there more people (is it perhaps based on their status?)?
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New Member

75 Posts

Posted - 12 July 2003 :  18:31:36  Show Profile

Here's a for screen name on there is KRISToff.....See how it's all in red, i'd like to be able to implement that on another board.

But I'd also like to do that for Mods also......

I'm also wondering if rank could determine the post color......
Yknow like at 2000 posts you get a purple background or something like that.
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