A small but useful MOD to ease those 'newbie registrant' admin blues.
Many of the new registrants to my own forums have problems with this process, either because their email system corrupted the clickable url in the confirmation email or they clicked the url twice or more (not noticing the first 'activation complete' message) and received the standard error message.
It should be noted that the changes to inc_func_posting.asp reduce the length of the activation key to 16 characters. This is to relieve the user of the tedium of typing in 32 characters. If you consider this to be a security issue, simply ignore the changes to this file.
Features: * Allows user to re-submit Activation Key via on-page form in case of email URL corruption problem. * Reminds the user (if they accidentally re-click the register link) that they have already completed the registration process.
A suggestion: Make the register button like the submit post button here (where is disables onsubmit) and maybe add the MOD that fixes the problem with HTTP referrers.