In pop_profile.asp (around line 730):
<table border="0" width="75%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center">
<td bgcolor="<% =strPopUpBorderColor %>">
<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
<% if strAuthType="db" then %>
<td bgColor="<% =strPopUpTableColor %>" align="right" nowrap><b><font face="<% =strDefaultFontFace %>" size="<% =strDefaultFontSize %>">User Name:</font></b></td>
<td bgColor="<% =strPopUpTableColor %>"><input type="text" name="User" value="<% =Request.Cookies(strUniqueID & "User")("Name")%>" size="20"></td>
<td bgColor="<% =strPopUpTableColor %>" align="right" nowrap><b><font face="<% =strDefaultFontFace %>" size="<% =strDefaultFontSize %>">Password:</font></b></td>
<td bgColor="<% =strPopUpTableColor %>"><input type="Password" name="Pass" value="<% =Request.Cookies(strUniqueID & "User")("Pword")%>" size="20"></td>
<% elseif strAuthType="nt" then %>
<td bgcolor="<% =strPopUpTableColor %>" align="right" nowrap><b><font face="<% =strDefaultFontFace %>" size="<% =strDefaultFontSize %>">NT Account:</font></b></td>
<td bgcolor="<% =strPopUpTableColor %>"><font face="<%=strDefaultFontFace %>" size="<% =strDefaultFontSize%>"><%=Session(strCookieURL & "userid")%></font></td>
<% end if %>
<td bgColor="<% =strPopUpTableColor %>" colspan="2" align="center"><input type="Submit" value="Send" id="Submit1" name="Submit1"></td>
case "goModify"
Must of you will probably never notice this bug...that is until you try to fit it in an existing layout.
- Alan