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Senior Member

United Kingdom
1685 Posts

Posted - 25 July 2003 :  18:34:14  Show Profile  Visit D3mon's Homepage
Ah, I must review that file in particular. There are just so many files!

Snitz 'Speedball' : Site Integration Mod : Friendly Registration Mod
"In war, the victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won"
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Posted - 28 July 2003 :  14:59:11  Show Profile  Visit puzo's Homepage
very cute snitz indeed.

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Posted - 28 July 2003 :  19:45:58  Show Profile  Visit wizard's Homepage
I have tried it out. I plan to use the lowbw version for users who don't have fast speeds. Do I need to set the db to website? Also, what I currently did is to set the cookie to forum and run off the lowbw version and the actual version off two folders. What is the implications of this? Both seem fine to me but I want to be sure and not end up losig data, etc.

Edited by - wizard on 28 July 2003 21:51:39
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19 Posts

Posted - 08 August 2003 :  12:58:54  Show Profile
I have this installed on a test server ( ), and it runs fine! I did have to make changes to setup.asp so that the "(" character was re-instered into about a dozen places, as mentioned a few posts up.

I am using MS:SQL2000 and it seems pretty darn fast!

It is a bit akward, having to hand code the CSS file to make color/font changes. I suppose there could be a MOD that allowed for CSS themes, that people could select on the fly - it would be pretty easy, actually.

As for other MODs, has anyone tried to implement anything else on top of the LB version here? If so, could you describe the items/methods you used to convert the code to make it compatible. In particular, I am thinking about the avatar, calendar, and smilie MODs.


Snitz n00b but not for long!
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United Kingdom
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Posted - 08 August 2003 :  13:50:22  Show Profile  Visit D3mon's Homepage
Yes, I should get around to looking at that setup.asp file.
Adding MOD's to the LB version should be just the same as a standard version (as the line numbers are mostly the same.) If people want to optimize the MOD code in the same way, then I'll try to write up a guide.

Snitz 'Speedball' : Site Integration Mod : Friendly Registration Mod
"In war, the victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won"
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United Kingdom
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Posted - 08 August 2003 :  14:09:57  Show Profile  Visit D3mon's Homepage
[updated the setup.asp file in the download]

Snitz 'Speedball' : Site Integration Mod : Friendly Registration Mod
"In war, the victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won"
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Starting Member

19 Posts

Posted - 08 August 2003 :  14:56:29  Show Profile
I'll take a look at a some this weekend, and note any changes/troubles I have in implementing other MODs to the LB version.

BTW, thanks a ton for your work!!!

Snitz n00b but not for long!
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United Kingdom
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Posted - 08 August 2003 :  16:49:43  Show Profile  Visit rlesedai's Homepage
I have this version on my local system (connected to a MySQL server). So far all is ok.
I have added a number of mods (including, Avatar, Events, Message Icons, PM, Links Manager 3, Active users and a few smaller ones). All went fine (apart from Links Manager 3, which has a Table problem with MySQL - but that was easily sorted).

I just added all the font/bg colors to a class statement and all worked fine. If all goes well, then i think i will update my site with this.
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Posted - 08 August 2003 :  23:46:14  Show Profile
Agreed. The Avatar mod went just fine, with only about 6 or so lines that needed to be changed to match the CSS formating (although, I did not modify the admin pages to really conform. I left them as is.).

Snitz n00b but not for long!
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Senior Member

United Kingdom
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Posted - 10 August 2003 :  04:08:31  Show Profile  Visit D3mon's Homepage
Does anybody think it would be beneficial for me to pre-install my Site Integration MOD into the standard LB download? (I'd set it as disabled in the options, so it could be enabled if/when required.)

Snitz 'Speedball' : Site Integration Mod : Friendly Registration Mod
"In war, the victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won"

Edited by - D3mon on 10 August 2003 06:13:08
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Junior Member

United States
407 Posts

Posted - 10 August 2003 :  16:07:51  Show Profile
Originally posted by D3mon

Does anybody think it would be beneficial for me to pre-install my Site Integration MOD into the standard LB download? (I'd set it as disabled in the options, so it could be enabled if/when required.)

Here is one yes yote.

- Kevin
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Posted - 11 August 2003 :  11:41:06  Show Profile
Personally, I think the LB coding practices are the direction that Snitz should go in the future, so anyone reworking a MOD to correspond to using the LB CSS conventions is a good thing.

The only downfall I see right now, is the hand customization that must be done to the CSS, in order to make changes to the fonts, background colors, etc. If those changes could be done in an admin form, I think it would really cement the concept.

Maybe a short conversion guide might be in order, so that people could retrofit exisiting MODs to conform to the LB CSS.

Snitz n00b but not for long!
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Senior Member

United Kingdom
1685 Posts

Posted - 11 August 2003 :  11:54:01  Show Profile  Visit D3mon's Homepage
Got the MOD guide in place already, see the first post in this forum. Yes, I agree about the on-line CSS file editing, but I'll need to think of a way to simply/successfully implement a solution.

Snitz 'Speedball' : Site Integration Mod : Friendly Registration Mod
"In war, the victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won"
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Starting Member

19 Posts

Posted - 11 August 2003 :  17:27:40  Show Profile
Well, one thing that could be done, is... instead of having a seperate CSS file, the style could be defined between the head tags. That way, a new database table could be made that stores those variables, which are then dynamically generated.

Snitz n00b but not for long!
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Senior Member

United Kingdom
1685 Posts

Posted - 11 August 2003 :  17:29:42  Show Profile  Visit D3mon's Homepage
Could do, but then thats gonna add a lot back on to the bandwidth. I'm working on something at the moment that might be just right.

Snitz 'Speedball' : Site Integration Mod : Friendly Registration Mod
"In war, the victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won"
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