Here is the answer.
Find the one place it says chkDisplayForum and edit it to chkDisplayForumA
Add this new function (preferably below function chkDisplayForum)
function chkDisplayForumA(fPrivateForums,fFPasswordNew,fForum_ID,UserNum)
dim strSql
dim rsAccess
chkDisplayForumA = false
if (mLev = 4) or (mLev = 3 and ModerateAllowed = "Y") then
chkDisplayForumA = true
exit function
end if
select case cLng(fPrivateForums)
case 0
chkDisplayForumA = true
exit function
case 4, 5
if UserNum = -1 then
chkDisplayForumA = false
exit function
chkDisplayForumA = true
exit function
end if
case 1, 2, 3, 6, 7
if UserNum = -1 then
chkDisplayForumA = false
exit function
end if
if isAllowedMember(fForum_ID,UserNum) = 1 then
chkDisplayForumA = true
chkDisplayForumA = false
end if
case 8, 9
chkDisplayForumA = false
if strAuthType ="nt" THEN
NTGroupSTR = Split(Session(strCookieURL & "strNTGroupsSTR"), ", ")
for j = 0 to ubound(NTGroupSTR)
NTGroupDBSTR = Split(fFPasswordNew, ", ")
for i = 0 to ubound(NTGroupDBSTR)
if NTGroupDBSTR(i) = NTGroupSTR(j) then
chkDisplayForumA = true
exit function
end if
end if
case else
chkDisplayForumA = true
end select
end function