I have had a few requests for this lately so here it is, I'm pretty sure I've covered everything here, but let me know if you need more :
Firstly, I had been wanting a simple to use TV Guide on the site for while. It didn't need to be Snitz based, but had to be easy to use and alter. When red1 released his beta Events Calendar MOD I could see that this was near perfect for what I needed and a little bit of tweaking would have it working fine.
THe biggest change was to post.asp, I won't quote line numbers because almost everyone will have different ones, but look for the INCLUDE statement and you'll know where I am (the red code should be added) :
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="inc_smilies.asp" -->
end if
end if
Response.Write " </font></td>" & vbNewLine & _
" </tr>" & vbNewLine & _
" </table>" & vbNewLine & _
" </font></td>" & vbNewLine & _
" <td bgColor=""" & strPopUpTableColor & """><textarea cols=""" & intCols & """ name=""Message"" rows=""" & intRows & """ wrap=""VIRTUAL"" onselect=""storeCaret(this);"" onclick=""storeCaret(this);"" onkeyup=""storeCaret(this);"" onchange=""storeCaret(this);"">" & Trim(CleanCode(TxtMsg))
If Trim(CleanCode(TxtMsg)) = "" and (Request.QueryString("event")=1 or isevent=1) then
Response.Write "Channel : " & vbNewLine & _
"Time : xx:xx AM - xx:xx PM AEST" & vbNewLine & _
"Repeat : Y/N" & vbNewLine & _
"Location : " & vbNewLine & _
"Description : "& vbNewLine & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
"All information is correct at time of posting, and is kept as updated as possible"
end if Response.Write "</textarea><br /></td>" & vbNewLine & _
" </tr>" & vbNewLine
end if
select case strRqMethod
then in cal_constants.asp, lines 19-62 should be :
'### Text Strings for Internationalization ###
Const strCalEventsCalendar = "Motor Racing TV program guide"
Const strCalDaily = "Daily"
Const strCalWeekly = "Weekly"
Const strCalMonthly = "Monthly"
Const strCalYearly = "Yearly"
Const strCalEventsList = "Events List"
Const strCalTodayIs = "Today is "
Const strCalEventsFor = "TV Program for "
Const strCalPostedBy = "Posted by "
Const strCalAddEvent = "Add a TV Program : "
Const strCalGo = "Go"
Const strCalUpcoming = "Upcoming TV programs"
Const strCalRecent = "Recent TV programs "
Const strCalNewEvent = "New TV Program"
Const strCalNoUpcoming = "There are no Upcoming TV Program. "
Const strCalNoRecent = "There are no Recent TV Programs. "
Const strCalNoEvents = "There are no TV programs for this date. "
Const strCalEvent = "TV program : "
Const strCalEventTitle = "Program Title: "
Const strCalEventDate = "Program Date"
Const strCalEventDetails = "Program Details: "
Const strCalPastEvents = "Past Programs"
Const strCalFutureEvents = "Future Programs"
Const strCalDisplay = "Display: "
Const strCalNotAllowed = "You are not allowed to post a TV program. "
Const strCalInvalidDate = "Invalid Date. "
Const strCalNoFutureEvents = "There are no future TV programs. "
Const strCalNoPastEvents = "There are no past TV programs"
Const strCalDate = "Date"
Const strCalTitle = "Title"
Const strCalJumptoMonth = "Jump to Month:"
Const strCalJumptoYear = "Jump to Year:"
Const strCalJumpToPage = "Jump to Page:"
Const strCalPrevWeek = "Previous Week"
Const strCalNextWeek = "Next Week"
Const strCalPrevMonth = "Previous Month"
Const strCalNextMonth = "Next Month"
Const strCalPrevYear = "Previous Year"
Const strCalNextYear = "Next Year"
Const strCalReply = "Reply to Topic"
Const strCalLockTopic = "Lock Topic"
Const strCalUnLockTopic = "UnLock Topic"
Const strCalDelete = "Delete Topic"
I'm pretty sure that was it. I did make one other change to the date display because us Aussies prefer d/m/y rather than m/d/y.
Reply here if you need help, or I've missed anything.