Replace the star gif's with the new gif's. Keep the existing names for the gif's
Look in inc_iconfiles.asp and change the width and height on the following statements if the size of the new gif's is different.
Part in blue is name of the gif and part in red is dimensions of the gif.
Const strIconStarBlue = "icon_star_blue.gif|13|12"
Const strIconStarBronze = "icon_star_bronze.gif|13|12"
Const strIconStarCyan = "icon_star_cyan.gif|13|12"
Const strIconStarGold = "icon_star_gold.gif|13|12"
Const strIconStarGreen = "icon_star_green.gif|13|12"
Const strIconStarOrange = "icon_star_orange.gif|13|12"
Const strIconStarPurple = "icon_star_purple.gif|13|12"
Const strIconStarRed = "icon_star_red.gif|13|12"
Const strIconStarSilver = "icon_star_silver.gif|13|12"