everywhere the Topic Title is displayed,
I changed this:
<% =ChkString(Request.QueryString("Topic_Title"),"display") %>
to this:
<% =formatStr(ChkString(Request.QueryString("Topic_Title"),"display")) %>
But don't do a global search and replace. You only want to change the one's that display the Topic Title to the user, not the one's that place the Topic Title in the URL.
Also, in post_info.asp
there is no:
<% =ChkString(Request.QueryString("Topic_Title"),"display") %>
it looks like this:
<% =Request.QueryString("Topic_Title") %>
but I changed it to this anyway:
<% =formatStr(ChkString(Request.QueryString("Topic_Title"),"display")) %>
(also, if you look at the line above the line you just edited in post_info.asp you'll see the line that displays the Forum Title)
I changed this:
<% =Request.Form("FORUM_Title") %>
to this:
<% =ChkString(Request.Form("FORUM_Title"),"display") %>