It would be useful for members who have had their account blocked, banned or deleted to have a small notice provided, somehow, as to why.
Some of my admins ban or block accounts and I dunno why. When users confront me on the issue, I have to track down what admin did it and why. It's a pain in the arse.
It would be nice ot have a small notice that says "blocked by _adminname_ because of _____ and until _____"
we could just tack a notes field onto each account that is only viewable/editable by admins and moderators.
This would be very useful. First thing that popped into my head was adding notes to clients' profile (product and system hardware). Anything that I might pickup from them in posts while trying to resolve issues.
Add a table for locked members with two fields: member_id and reason. Just enter the correct information in that table when a person is locked or deleted and has made posts (I really don't think the username should be deleted when a member who has made posts gets deleted, but that's just me), giving a text area on the pop_lock.asp and pop_delete.asp pages where a reason for the locking or deletion can be added. Perhaps the date on which the member was locked/deleted would be nice too, for future reference.
Using an extra table with two or three fields, with perhaps 10 people in it should be a lot better than just adding more cells to the members table, resulting in numerous unused cells. Or am I wrong here?