To allow all members to post events, open cal_constants.asp and change line 12.
I have not added anything yet to limit the forums that can hold events. However, you can do this: First remove the "New Event" links in forum.asp and topic.asp, then open cal_functions.asp and look for sub AddEventForm
Replace that entire thing with this:
sub AddEventForm(dateToAdd) '##
if dateToAdd="" then
end if
if mlev >= intAllowedtoPostEvent then
Response.Write "<form name=""FORUM_ID"" method=""get"" action=""post.asp"">" & vbnewline & _
" <INPUT type=""hidden"" name=""event"" value=""1"">" & vbnewline & _
" <INPUT type=""hidden"" name=""method"" value=""Topic"">" & vbnewline & _
" <INPUT type=""hidden"" name=""date"" value=""" & dateToAdd & """>" & vbnewline & _
" <FONT face=""" & strDefaultFontFace & """ size=""" & strDefaultFontSize & """ color=""" & strForumFontColor & """>" & strCalAddEvent & vbnewline & _
" <SELECT name=""forum_id"">" & vbnewline & _
" <option value=""Forum_ID"">Forum_Title</option>" & vbNewline & _
" </SELECT></FONT>" & vbnewline & _
"<INPUT type=""submit"" value=""" & strCalGo & """></FORM>"
end if
End sub '### AddEventForm ###
Replace Forum_ID with the number corresponding to your events forum, and Forum_Title with the title of the forum. You can repeat that line for every forum that you want to add events to.
It's not completely foolproof, but it should be enough for your purposes.
Maybe in the future I will finally make an admin page so that all these settings are done automatically.