I hate popup windows , so I came up with an alternate method of printing forum pages . Bear with me, this is only in the concept phase.
Add to the <body> tag in 'inc_header.asp':
onBeforePrint=vis('hide') onAfterPrint=vis('show')
Add this to your 'inc_header.asp' page...
var divis='show';
function vis(divis) {
for (var j = 1; j <= 4; j++) {
hideme = eval("document.all.noprint" + j);
if (divis=='hide') hideme.style.visibility="hidden";
if (divis=='show') hideme.style.visibility="visible";
* Change the '4' value to how many div areas you want to hide. (see below)
Now any items you don't want printed on the page surround with:
<div id='noprint1'> </div>
* Increment the number from 1 to however many areas you don't wanted printed.
I have this implemented on pages outside of my forum, working on adding it to the forum soon.