Since you can have alternating colors for every other post in individual topics, it seemed as a good idea to have that for every other topic in the topic list as well. I've seen it done in some forums, but in what I suspect to be a regular mod and with hover effects and other stuff.
If you just want the alternating color feature you can try this:
Open your forum.asp in a text editor.
Find the code line:
for iTopic = 0 to iTopicCount
Above this line add:
CColor = strAltForumCellColor
and below this line add:
if CColor = strAltForumCellColor then
CColor = strForumCellColor
CColor = strAltForumCellColor
end if
The section now looks like this:
CColor = strAltForumCellColor
for iTopic = 0 to iTopicCount
if CColor = strAltForumCellColor then
CColor = strForumCellColor
CColor = strAltForumCellColor
end if
Then find all instances of:
BELOW this section and change them to:
There's at least one instance of strForumCellColor above this section, don't change that one!
Now the colors you assign to first and second alternating cell color for topics also aplies to the topic list.
I just want to stress that this might be done in a more elegant way and perhaps it's not a good thing to introduce the variable CColor without defining/dimensioning it, I don't know, since I don't have a clue about ASP programming. Use this hack on your own risk. I've tried it on my forum, running with an Access database, and it seems to work. I'm not sure if any sql code in there can make this hack non working. I'm quite sure some asp guru reading this will holler if he consider this hack to be bad programming.
You can look at it here:
Next step would be to implement this for the forum list in default.asp as well.
Mats D