If you decide to delete this user. The existing topics and replies get "n/a"
Now if I have an existing user: User= Anonymous MemberID = 56
and with this Mod delete user 400. I would like to change the memberID 400 in the existing topics and replies to memberID 56. This way you don't get "n/a" but "anonymous".
I understand now, but why would you want to remove someone who has active posts? If their last-here-date is farther back than your achiving timeframe, there is no way that you would get an 'n/a'... or am I missing your point?
quote: can you add another option that will Email to All specified message inspite of clicking and sending to each of the members.
I thought about this too, but I think it loses flexibility when designed like that...IMHO. Once you get the inactivity under control, it really isn't that difficult to click the ones you want.
MotoX : Well since this is was the first time i installed this MOD and i selected users who were last seen 120 days back, and it showed me 453 members, now don't you think they are pretty too many to click on all 453 members and send them messsage :(
Must admit haven't tried to delete a user. I presumed you got "n/a" if a user doesn't exist anymore. If this option is in, it would have all kinds of benefits: - transfer to anonymous all posts from a spammer with only a few topics/replies. - clean up members table. - we have an intranet forum and if an employee quits we'd like to transfer post to other member. (member name in a quote is not updated).
I really just don't see the point in deleting an account when the account still has relevant posts associated with it. I would think that you would want to only delete users if they are truly inactive, meaning, that any posts that they have on the board have either been archived or deleted.
You could use the "Delete all posts from member" MOD in conjunction with this one to achieve that if you really needed to...
I'll look at coding an "email all" option this week. If there is already a mod that deletes users and handles the orphaned post I would just use that mod. I may at a later date bundle the functions together.
Thanks burthold, i'll be waiting for updates to Email All, oh btw I guess you are right there is no point in deleting a user if he/she has even a single post :)
I think it Would be a Great Addon to the Inactive Users Mod, If you Could Just Sort by 30, 60, 90 or 120 Days. Then You Have Your Inactive User List, Then You Could Just Send all of them an E-mail With Just One Click?
I'm in the Same Siuation as zoomdubai, I have only 300 Members Posting out of a Little Over 700. So it Would Really be a Nice Feature to Click Once to Send 400 an E-mail to all the Inactive Users say in the Past 90 Days!
I'm working on the email all users that are inactive with one button. The form already has a box you can sort by any day count you want. I'll post here when it is done. I am coding on it this week.
The reason that you may want to delete a user even if he has had some posts is pretty simple, I think anyway. Imagine you have a forum running for 5 years. Now, your member list is 23,000 members. However, 13,567 haven't posted in 4 years, 8 months. Do you want tokeep thier name in your DB? They take up space and retard performance. If they haven't been around in that long you may want them gone. Perhaps a better idea, may be a MOD that transfers those users to a ARCHIVED_MEMBERS table. In cas ethere is an off chance that they come back they can rectivate there account.
The deal is there is already a MOD out there that deletes users. I don't want to re-invent the wheel I may include a version of the mod in the inactive users mod but not until I get the e-mail all users done, it is working in my test invironment BTW. I will contact the author of the delete users mod and see how big a pain it would be to modify.
might want to check the files again... i quickly scanned them and i found that you are not yet using the getCurrentIcon function for each icon... (admin_inactive_users.asp - line 260)