Does anyone think that a new option for [INDEX] (to create additional indexes) needs to be added to admin_mod_dbsetup.asp
I'm currently writing a mod and I'm finding that dbs files are a bit limiting in their features, so I'll probably have to write a separate asp file to add the tables and values that I need to the database.
I can have a go at writing this addition if I knew it would be added to the base code.
Not so sure I'm keen on that idea, people need to know what they're doing when setting up indexes, I can see people ending up changing things and making a complete mess of their forums 'performance wise'
You can really kill performance by over indexing or just plain indexing the wrong things. You really need to know how indexing works with each db type before you just blanket apply clustered indexes to everything. I would NEVER run a dbs for a mod that created indexes for me.
The table I'm going to create for my mod only requires two fields.
It will not require a identity/autonumber field.
I'll be creating an index on MEMBER_ID. so I'll be creating an asp file to create these database tables since mod_dbsetup does not have any opitons for this.
quote:I guess its a personal thing. I am a MS-SQL DBA by trade and really like to choose my indexes on tables.
I never thought about it like that. That's very true, because each person is going to have situations on their forum where the "appropriateness" of indexes is unique.
The mod would still be a nice to have, however I do see the danger of users getting ahold of something like this who do not understand indexes and totally killing performance. How about a mod that Evaluates indexes based on usage? Maybe if you could make one that logs table access similar to what you would do by using profiler to evaluate scans, and then have the mod make recommendations based on the logging?
There would need to be a way to turn logging on and off though as it would obviously kill performance...
If it was that easy to do you wouldn't need people like me to do performance evaluations on tables and databases :) It is very complex. Sometimes I feel like index/query tuning is almost an art form. There are some rules basic rules, but sometimes what you think won't help does.