I changed the InArray function from this:
function InArray(strArray,strValue)
if IsArray(strArray) then
Dim Ix
for Ix = 0 To UBound(strArray)
if cLng(strArray(Ix)) = cLng(strValue) then
InArray = True
exit function
end if
end if
InArray = False
end function
to this:
function InArray(strArray,strValue)
if strArray <> "" and strArray <> 0 then
if (instr("," & strArray & "," ,"," & strValue & ",") > 0) then
InArray = True
exit function
end if
end if
InArray = False
end function
for the post.asp file I changed this: (active.asp, default.asp, forum.asp, search.asp & topic.asp changes are similar)
strCatSubs = array(strSubArray(1))
strForumSubs = array(strSubArray(2))
strTopicSubs = array(strSubArray(3))
to this:
strCatSubs = strSubArray(1)
strForumSubs = strSubArray(2)
strTopicSubs = strSubArray(3)