I know the current snitz is based on asp 2.0. I'd like to know if I use 3.0 what's the best method then for the international version?
One thing after reading the posts in this forum that I have access to is I can use server.execute which is dynamic inclusion of the lan packs, is it right?
Current method is (language variables) best in performance so far. You can make them "const" if you use single language. Make use of server execute for dynamic inclusion, so there is no performance loss if you are using multiple languages.
I need to support multiple languages and I wanted to make sure servre.execute is the best choice if I use asp 3.0. also I'd like to know if there's any other benefits if asp 3.0 is available.<
We recently discovered that server.execute is NOT an option because the variables have Page Level Scope. I.e. whatever defined in config.asp will not be available in langNNNN.asp and vice versa... <