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 Active users window on your desktop
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Junior Member

Vatican City
304 Posts

Posted - 22 December 2000 :  17:38:51  Show Profile  Visit frankie's Homepage  Send frankie an AOL message  Send frankie an ICQ Message  Send frankie a Yahoo! Message
Ok everyone, I've been working on this one lately. All you have to do is go to this link and copy the whole code to a new asp page with the same name as the text file (like this active_users_dt.asp). I used redbrad0's code and modified it (this is not a replacement file it's a new file that should be saved with the rest of your forum files). after you do that, copy this code to a new file and save it as <font color=red>"active_desktop.cdf"</font id=red> in the same folder with the rest of the files:

<?XML version="1.0"?>

<Schedule EndDate="2050.12.31">
<IntervalTime DAY="7" />
<EarliestTime HOUR="12"/>
<LatestTime HOUR="18"/>

<Item HREF="">
<Title>Active Users Desktop</Title> <!-- Required -->

<Usage VALUE="DesktopComponent"> <!-- Required -->

<OpenAs VALUE="HTML"/>
<Width VALUE="435" /> <!-- Width in pixels -->
<Height VALUE="70" /> <!-- Height in pixels -->
<CanResize VALUE="Yes"/> <!-- Yes (default) or No -->


make sure that you make a link to the above file(active_desktop.cdf) after you copy it to that format(.cdf) in any page you like to.

use this picture for a link:


Guys, feel free to elaborate on the idea or change things around..thanks for your interest. Happy Holidays

Note: works on i.e 4.0+ only(must have Active Desktop on).

Note: Sorry everyone, I forgot to mention you need the active users mod in order for this one to work. Find it here:


Edited by - frankie on 22 December 2000 17:53:32

Edited by - frankie on 26 December 2000 22:34:23

Junior Member

234 Posts

Posted - 22 December 2000 :  19:54:21  Show Profile
This could be pretty cool! Installed it and all seems well, some minor problems but should be easy to fix.

You forgot to take out the CyberGold Pop-up though. That can get annoying fast <img src=icon_smile.gif border=0 align=middle>

Scott LeMieux
Ready... Fire... Aim!! <img src="" border=0>
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Junior Member

Vatican City
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Posted - 22 December 2000 :  20:30:38  Show Profile  Visit frankie's Homepage  Send frankie an AOL message  Send frankie an ICQ Message  Send frankie a Yahoo! Message

What kinda problems you had? Please tell me I'm just learning from the masters here! <img src=icon_smile.gif border=0 align=middle>

By the way I like your logo down there (break dancing baby..yeh!!)

Edited by - frankie on 22 December 2000 20:32:23
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Posted - 22 December 2000 :  21:27:20  Show Profile
(for email notification only)

snitz ver3.1 sr2
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Junior Member

234 Posts

Posted - 26 December 2000 :  03:19:20  Show Profile
Hey frankie!

Nothing major. Had to play with the window size a little bit so didn't have to scroll right/left. Also, not sure if it is possible to fix this, haven't looked deep enough... When the active window tries to update itself, if spawns a new window. So if it's set tup refresh every minute, you get a new window every minute. Nothing horrible, but gets old fast!

lol Got that Icon off some site awhile ago. Can't remember where, probably get an e-mail someday asking me not to use it <img src=icon_smile.gif border=0 align=middle>

Scott LeMieux
Ready... Fire... Aim!! <img src="" border=0>
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Junior Member

Vatican City
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Posted - 26 December 2000 :  14:07:58  Show Profile  Visit frankie's Homepage  Send frankie an AOL message  Send frankie an ICQ Message  Send frankie a Yahoo! Message

First of all, how was your christmas? lots of gifts?!!

Secondly, I did this mod on the run, just to flirt with idea, that's all. For the page refreshing part I think it's done thru the xml file by setting the schedule tags(but not sure how to do so) I have to play with this alittle bit. I thought it's a good idea in case you're working on the desktop to have a close eye on the snitzers!<img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>

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3776 Posts

Posted - 26 December 2000 :  16:16:51  Show Profile  Send Podge an ICQ Message  Send Podge a Yahoo! Message
This this is not working I assume Websamba is down again....

Anybody care to email it to me?


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Posted - 26 December 2000 :  16:56:45  Show Profile
It's back up

<b><font size=2>John Miller</font id=size2>
<font color=green>Snitz Moderator</font id=green></b>
<img src="" border=0><img src="" border=0>
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Junior Member

344 Posts

Posted - 26 December 2000 :  19:11:01  Show Profile
Well done Frankie,

I guess, we need the "online" Mod to use your Mod ???
(Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e37'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot find the input table or query 'FORUM_ONLINE'. Make sure it exists and that its name is spelled correctly.

.../active_users_dt.asp, line 187

?- What are the table parametre so I can add the table manualy or a link to the appropriate setup file?

Also, I get the following IE(5.5) error clicking on the shortcut to active_desktop.cdf ? " IE doesn't support synchronizing this type of URL."

snitz ver3.1 sr2
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Junior Member

Vatican City
304 Posts

Posted - 26 December 2000 :  22:38:42  Show Profile  Visit frankie's Homepage  Send frankie an AOL message  Send frankie an ICQ Message  Send frankie a Yahoo! Message

Nothing to do with this mod beside what's mentioned above, but you're right, you need to have the <font color=red>active users</font id=red> mod in order for this to work..I added that in a note at the bottom in my original post.

For your IE5.5 error, I don't know what's going on(anyone?!!)

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