Ok, I'm just guessing here, cause I don't have the code for that version but I'll give it a try:
Add the lines in red and make the replacement in green.
Case "topic.asp"
if Request.QueryString("ARCHIVE") = "true" Then
strOnlineLocation = strOnlineLocation & "Viewing Archived Message"
strActivePrefix = strTablePrefix & "A_"
strActivePrefix = strTablePrefix
if Request.Querystring("TOPIC_ID") <> "" Then
set rst = my_conn.execute("SELECT FORUM_ID,TOPIC_ID, T_SUBJECT FROM " & strActivePrefix & "TOPICS WHERE TOPIC_ID = " & Request.Querystring("TOPIC_ID"))
Topic_Subject = rst("T_SUBJECT")
intOnlineForumType = rst("FORUM_ID")
set rst = nothing
if ChkForumType(intOnlineForumType) then
strOnlineLocation = "Viewing Topic: <a href=""link.asp?TOPIC_ID=" & Request.QueryString("TOPIC_ID") & """>"
strOnlineLocation = strOnlineLocation & Topic_Subject
strOnlineLocation = "Viewing Topic in: <a href=""link.asp?TOPIC_ID=" & Request.QueryString("TOPIC_ID") & """>Private Forums"
end if
end if
end if
Let me know how it goes.