Hello, I am working on a modification to my forum. What I am trying to acheive is a DHTML mouseover preview of a topic message when a user mouseover's the message topic. I can get it to work, the only problem is the HTML output is adding some white space rendering the mouseover message display useless, for example, in forum.asp I have added the following code:
<a href="topic.asp?<%= ArchiveLink %>TOPIC_ID=<% =Topic_ID %>" onmouseover="return overlib('<% =ChkString(rs("T_MESSAGE"),"display") %>');" onmouseout="return nd();"><% =ChkString(left(rs("T_SUBJECT"), 50),"display") %></a>
This is the code that normally calls the Message Topic and the link. Notice the 'onmoueover' and 'onmouseout' in bold. This is what I have added, I also added:
strSql = strSql & strActivePrefix & "TOPICS.T_MESSAGE, "
The html output comes out looking like this:
<a href="topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=12" onmouseover="return overlib('Just testing the message previews<br>This should be a line break all in one line.<br><br>and another couple.
*blank line here*
');" onmouseout="return nd();">Testing Message Previews</a>
Notice the white space? In order for the script to properly work, the code should output like this:
<a href="topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=12" onmouseover="return overlib('Just testing the message previews<br>This should be a line break all in one line.<br><br>and another couple.');" onmouseout="return nd();">Testing Message Previews</a>
I am at a loss as to how to get rid of this white space after the insertion of the message? Any clues?
Sorry if this is not the right place to post this question. It just seemed the most appropriate place, as this very well could be a future mod I would implement.
Thanx for any help or suggestions!
My board can be found at http://www.robbear7.com/designer/forum/It is under a lot of development and transitioning to CSS, so don't mind the color inconsitency and stupid test postings.