the current classifeds mod doesn't have these features.
If you want to code yours, there is a stand-alone code for DU Portal.
some of its features.
For users: - User registration - Users login to place ads and manage ads (edit, add ... ) - Viewed counter for each ad (number of clicks to view) - Ads include images - Yahoo-like nested categories and sub-categories - Each category has an icon and total number of ads - Visitors can reply to an ad-poster about the ads (CDONTS mail) - Search page to search for ads by titles and descriptions - Ads are listed based on category or sub-category - Ads listing shows number of days left of each ad, location of ad-poster, number of views, and ad's image indicator - Database-driven navigator bar
For Admin - Logs into restricted pages with access level - Views detail and approves new ads before posted to public - Deletes one or multiple expired ads with just one click - Adds unlimited number of categories and category's icons - Adds unlimited number of sub-categories for each category - Sets number of running days for ads - Sets the looks and feels of the site easily with an UltraDev friendly interface and stylesheet.
I have DU Classifieds running on another site and it does what I need but unfortunately requires a separate login, etc to the Snitz forums which is not too much of a problem for that site.
However, I'm now working on another site using Maxwebportal/Snitz and so I'm looking for Classifieds with the same functions as DU Classifieds but using the Snitz login.
I've tried to see if I can get DU Classifieds working with Maxwebportal/Snitz but I'm afraid it is beyond my very limited asp experience.