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 suggestion for events calendar mod
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Junior Member

355 Posts

Posted - 14 June 2002 :  22:32:18  Show Profile
Ok, so it's nice to have an events calendar in your forum, but this mod doesn't tap into any member or topic information, so in that sense it's really not connected to the rest of your forum. Maybe it could be incorporated more into the forum, with a topic discussion following the event, or members' birthdays indicated in the calendar. Those are the only things I can think of right now. What do you guys think?

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631 Posts

Posted - 15 June 2002 :  00:04:21  Show Profile  Send alex042 an AOL message  Send alex042 a Yahoo! Message
Ok, so it's nice to have an events calendar in your forum, but this mod doesn't tap into any member or topic information, so in that sense it's really not connected to the rest of your forum.

You're right, this mod doesn't have much integration into the forums, it seems to basically be the original ASPCalendar with a few lines changed. There are several possibilities of integration and a lot of potential, but it'll take time for someone to actually do the coding. I guess noone has felt the need to spend the extra time to do this. It may not be fully integrated, but at least it looks pretty the way it is and it is fairly functional.

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Posted - 15 June 2002 :  00:39:42  Show Profile  Visit TimLA's Homepage  Send TimLA an AOL message  Send TimLA a Yahoo! Message
No it is not integrated. It only touches the forum code by virtue of a link and an include, not to mention a db table.

But that could be good for a heavily modded board. The more mods, the more the potential that they will affect each other. It gets harder to trouble shoot, upgrade, etc.

If they do beefup the integration, I hope that they keep a events-lite version around.

They do have a birthday mod over in the Snitz Exchange Forum. I'm not sure that it integrates with the events mod.

Tim Nance
Hesed Ministries
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