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DEV Team Forum Moderator

3373 Posts

Posted - 14 December 2000 :  14:17:38  Show Profile  Send Da_Stimulator an AOL message  Send Da_Stimulator a Yahoo! Message
I have so many forums, that sorting through and finding the new forum I just added to give moderators to, its hard. So I made it display the category headings as well... NO bugs whatsoever, I fully tested it.

It displays categories and forums in the same order they are when viewing default.asp... unless you have a mod that changes that.

response.write("I know what you coded last summer!") - The community where computer proffesionals meet and talk.

Edited by - da_stimulator on 14 December 2000 14:21:18

Starting Member

19 Posts

Posted - 14 December 2000 :  14:49:43  Show Profile
what exactly does this do and where can i find a demo

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DEV Team Forum Moderator

3373 Posts

Posted - 14 December 2000 :  14:57:26  Show Profile  Send Da_Stimulator an AOL message  Send Da_Stimulator a Yahoo! Message
when you go into edit moderators etc, and you have alot of forums, it lists them in no order whatsoever, and its just a huge list of forums to sift through and pick one to edit moderators.

What this does its sorts it by cateogry, alphebetically (or numerically) so its easier to read and find what forum your looking for.

I didnt post a demo cuz it'd be a security risk to my forums, but I assure you, it works FINE in sr2, and probably in 3.1 since admin_moderators.asp wasnt modified since then.

<font color=red>Da_Stimulator</font id=red>
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<font color=blue>response.write("I know what you coded last summer!")</font id=blue> - The community where computer proffesionals meet and talk.
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192 Posts

Posted - 14 December 2000 :  15:14:47  Show Profile  Send Hopper an ICQ Message
While you're at it, why not add an asterisk(*) next to the users name who already has moderator status on a particular forum. Much easier that way to tell who already has Moderator status and who doesnt. Just an idea

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DEV Team Forum Moderator

3373 Posts

Posted - 14 December 2000 :  15:18:55  Show Profile  Send Da_Stimulator an AOL message  Send Da_Stimulator a Yahoo! Message
Good Idea :) Done. updated

<font color=red>Da_Stimulator</font id=red>
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<font color=blue>response.write("I know what you coded last summer!")</font id=blue> - The community where computer proffesionals meet and talk.
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Posted - 14 December 2000 :  15:21:22  Show Profile  Send Hopper an ICQ Message
*chuckle* now thats what I call service.

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DEV Team Forum Moderator

3373 Posts

Posted - 14 December 2000 :  15:25:15  Show Profile  Send Da_Stimulator an AOL message  Send Da_Stimulator a Yahoo! Message
you just wanted that for yourself didnt ya? selfish little..... j/k - anything else you want MASTER?

<font color=red>Da_Stimulator</font id=red>
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<font color=blue>response.write("I know what you coded last summer!")</font id=blue> - The community where computer proffesionals meet and talk.
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Posted - 14 December 2000 :  15:34:21  Show Profile  Send Hopper an ICQ Message
Oh boy, you shouldnt leave the door open for me like that.. I got ideas popin outta my head all day long as I look at the forum.. hehe.. still waiting for the announcements mod to be done.. thats a big one for me. And a quality Polls mod. Lets see.. what else.. Someone should really fix the colors part of the admin area.. the samples are all screwed up. Tell it one color by the text string and it gives you something totaly differant..

Hmmm.. but some ideas i have.. lets see. The "whos online" is still really flaky.. doesnt show whos really online most of the time.. sometimes i'll be talking with a friend on the phone while hes on the forum and he wont show up, sometimes *I* dont show up on the list when Im on.. have to refresh alot before I show up. Also would like the "whos online" portion to show up in the "Active topics" screen.

And how about the ability to ban an IP or IP mask.. I dont see that ability anywhere and it would sure be useful.

And it sure would be nice if we had the ability to put a Web link inside a topic instead of just on the Main Default page.

*grin* thats a few.. want more?

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DEV Team Forum Moderator

3373 Posts

Posted - 14 December 2000 :  15:40:13  Show Profile  Send Da_Stimulator an AOL message  Send Da_Stimulator a Yahoo! Message
nah thats ok....

The announcements mod is 'sorta' done, just some design details to work out, but it works, if ya want it just ask, I'll provide it with no instructions and no support, but if ya wait you'll get instructions and support :)

<font color=red>Da_Stimulator</font id=red>
<font color=red></font id=red>
<font color=blue>response.write("I know what you coded last summer!")</font id=blue> - The community where computer proffesionals meet and talk.
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Forum Admin

United Kingdom
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Posted - 14 December 2000 :  16:39:16  Show Profile  Visit HuwR's Homepage
Hmmm.. but some ideas i have.. lets see. The "who's online" is still really flaky.. doesn't show who's really online most of the time.. sometimes i'll be talking with a friend on the phone while hes on the forum and he wont show up, sometimes *I* don't show up on the list when I'm on.. have to refresh a lot before I show up. Also would like the "who's online" portion to show up in the "Active topics" screen.

And how about the ability to ban an IP or IP mask.. I don't see that ability anywhere and it would sure be useful.
I have a reasonably stable who's online, admittedly sometimes when you first hit the page it thinks you are a guest, but a single refresh cures it. When the next release come out I will work out what I did.

The ability to Ban IP's or masks is discussed elsewhere in the forums, it is a single line of code, so a fairly simple addition.

'Resistance is futile'
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Junior Member

192 Posts

Posted - 14 December 2000 :  19:08:10  Show Profile  Send Hopper an ICQ Message
nah thats ok....

The announcements mod is 'sorta' done, just some design details to work out, but it works, if ya want it just ask, I'll provide it with no instructions and no support, but if ya wait you'll get instructions and support :)
Heh.. I'll wait.. I like the support/docs

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DEV Team Forum Moderator

3373 Posts

Posted - 14 December 2000 :  20:09:32  Show Profile  Send Da_Stimulator an AOL message  Send Da_Stimulator a Yahoo! Message
thats what I thought... should be done by tomorrow around 10 pm est.

I need input on this admin_moderators.asp... you like? dislike? It'd be nice if they implemented it into 3.2 of the forums - It's bug free as far as I can tell.

<font color=red>Da_Stimulator</font id=red>
<font color=red></font id=red>
<font color=blue>response.write("I know what you coded last summer!")</font id=blue> - The community where computer proffesionals meet and talk.
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Junior Member

192 Posts

Posted - 14 December 2000 :  20:37:08  Show Profile  Send Hopper an ICQ Message
I like it.. already got it running on my forum

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Retired Admin

5511 Posts

Posted - 15 December 2000 :  01:31:08  Show Profile  Visit gor's Homepage
I need input on this admin_moderators.asp... you like? dislike? It'd be nice if they implemented it into 3.2 of the forums - It's bug free as far as I can tell.

Da_Simulator, just to make sure you don't interpret it the wrong way:

I didn't have time to check the mod out yet, but then still it (or any other mod) not making it into a next version does not mean it isn't a good mod !
There are some great mods out here that haven't been included yet (just because we didn't have the time to do it yet)

Pierre Gorissen

If I only had a little humility,
I would be perfect.

Ted Turner
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Junior Member

192 Posts

Posted - 15 December 2000 :  09:09:16  Show Profile  Send Hopper an ICQ Message
Hey DA, how about instead of clicking on the persons name, then comming up with a new screen and another click to give/remove moderator access to a forum, you simply put a button next to their name on the first screen and click it to remove/grant access .. you could even (if you wanted) change the word on the button .. that way you could get rid of the asterisk and just use the button to show who has access. It would also get rid of that second click, and also let you do more then one change without going back to the main topic list between each change. Hows that for an idea.

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DEV Team Forum Moderator

3373 Posts

Posted - 15 December 2000 :  10:45:28  Show Profile  Send Da_Stimulator an AOL message  Send Da_Stimulator a Yahoo! Message
boy your just full of Idea's arent ya.... just full of them.....

I understand gor... 3.2 is the CSS and design fixes, then the rest is you guys frantically adding mods and addons :)

<font color=red>Da_Stimulator</font id=red>
<font color=red></font id=red>
<font color=blue>response.write("I know what you coded last summer!")</font id=blue> - The community where computer proffesionals meet and talk.

Edited by - da_stimulator on 15 December 2000 10:46:26
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