quote: ok im going to quit working on my PM cause i hate tellin people they have bugs. i know i hate hearing it but this is the last one for today, but this is nothing major at all...
in pm_pop_members.asp where it displays each letter for them to choose what members to show, one of them has two commas. i think it is letter C or D but im not for sure. i cant tell you a line number cause im edited my code so much that it wouldnt be close
Can you or some one pls post a fixed version of the files.
well slemieux and richard are the ones with the original files and im sure one of them with update and post a new zipe file since they are both nice and always willing to help
slemieux, no problem i know how it is, and this is why we are all here is to help our other fellow programers out to make sure this program, along with others is the best that it can be.
as you can probley tell i am installing this mod onto my site. i am trying to install it where it will play a new sound when a new email or i mean private message arrives. i will be able to do this, but this might be another function to add to this. allow the user to choose if they would like a sound played or not. one way, which i am planning on doing is add another column onto the PM table for SoundPlayed. if they sound has been played then it will be set to 1, and if it has not been played it will be 0. this way you dont have to use cookies to know if a message has been played or not. tommorow when i get time to do this, i will show you the code because it should be very easy to do.
You've got the original files, at least everything I've worked on. Feel free to modify them and post them if you want. Since this is an open-source project, and any mod that is made for the forum is also open-source, you can modify anything you want.
When choosing the member to mail the PM to, if you choose multiple recipients it doesn't add a space or anything and it errors out. You should be able to pick multiple usernames... now how would I fix it? hmmm...
OK, maybe Im just dumb or somethin'... but could you do some sort of message in this topic about WHAT I HAVE TO DO TO MAKE THE OUTBOX WORKIN'! I've done the "strCookieURL &"-change. But It still doesn't work. In this topic, you reffer to lots of different files etc. etc. I can't understand what of this is to make the outbox worikin' etc. etc. Im swedish, so please use easy language!
So, the question is: HOW TO MAKE THE OUTBOX WORKING!?
OK, maybe Im just dumb or somethin'... but could you do some sort of message in this topic about WHAT I HAVE TO DO TO MAKE THE OUTBOX WORKIN'! I've done the "strCookieURL &"-change. But It still doesn't work. In this topic, you reffer to lots of different files etc. etc. I can't understand what of this is to make the outbox worikin' etc. etc. Im swedish, so please use easy language!
So, the question is: HOW TO MAKE THE OUTBOX WORKING!?
And, the answer is:
cheers /CHEETAH
Chack your database, I read in another topic some information regarding how the inbox and outbox works. Chack your forum_pm table for a field called m_outbox Mine was saving all the messages that were supposed to be in the outbox as -1 instead of 1. If this is what you see the way I fixed it was on line 228 of pm_view.asp there is a sql statement like this: strSql = strSql & " AND " & strTablePrefix & "PM.M_OUTBOX = 1" I changed it to strSql = strSql & " AND " & strTablePrefix & "PM.M_OUTBOX = -1" and it all works now. Hope this helps you out some.